12 mCol { inC1, inC2, inC3 },
18 mCol { inC1, inC2, inC3 },
24 mCol { inM.GetColumn4(0), inM.GetColumn4(1), inM.GetColumn4(2) },
25 mCol3(inM.GetTranslation())
30 mCol { inRot.GetColumn4(0), inRot.GetColumn4(1), inRot.GetColumn4(2) },
42 return DMat44(
Vec4(1, 0, 0, 0),
Vec4(0, 1, 0, 0),
Vec4(0, 0, 1, 0),
55 return mCol[0] == inM2.mCol[0]
56 && mCol[1] == inM2.mCol[1]
57 && mCol[2] == inM2.mCol[2]
58 && mCol3 == inM2.mCol3;
63 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
64 if (!mCol[i].
IsClose(inM2.mCol[i], inMaxDistSq))
66 return mCol3.
71#if defined(JPH_USE_AVX)
72 __m128 t = _mm_mul_ps(mCol[0].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(inV.
mValue, inV.
mValue, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)));
73 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[1].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(inV.
mValue, inV.
mValue, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))));
74 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[2].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(inV.
mValue, inV.
mValue, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))));
76#elif defined(JPH_USE_SSE)
77 __m128 t = _mm_mul_ps(mCol[0].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(inV.
mValue, inV.
mValue, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)));
78 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[1].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(inV.
mValue, inV.
mValue, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))));
79 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[2].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(inV.
mValue, inV.
mValue, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))));
80 __m128d low = _mm_add_pd(mCol3.
mValue.mLow, _mm_cvtps_pd(t));
81 __m128d high = _mm_add_pd(mCol3.
mValue.mHigh, _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(t, t, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))));
82 return DVec3({ low, high });
83#elif defined(JPH_USE_NEON)
84 float32x4_t t = vmulq_f32(mCol[0].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(inV.
mValue, 0));
85 t = vmlaq_f32(t, mCol[1].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(inV.
mValue, 1));
86 t = vmlaq_f32(t, mCol[2].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(inV.
mValue, 2));
87 float64x2_t low = vaddq_f64(mCol3.
mValue.val[0], vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(t)));
88 float64x2_t high = vaddq_f64(mCol3.
mValue.val[1], vcvt_high_f64_f32(t));
100#if defined(JPH_USE_AVX)
101 __m256d t = _mm256_add_pd(mCol3.
mValue, _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_cvtps_pd(mCol[0].mValue), _mm256_set1_pd(inV.
102 t = _mm256_add_pd(t, _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_cvtps_pd(mCol[1].mValue), _mm256_set1_pd(inV.
103 t = _mm256_add_pd(t, _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_cvtps_pd(mCol[2].mValue), _mm256_set1_pd(inV.
105#elif defined(JPH_USE_SSE)
106 __m128d xxxx = _mm_set1_pd(inV.
107 __m128d yyyy = _mm_set1_pd(inV.
108 __m128d zzzz = _mm_set1_pd(inV.
109 __m128 col0 = mCol[0].
110 __m128 col1 = mCol[1].
111 __m128 col2 = mCol[2].
112 __m128d t_low = _mm_add_pd(mCol3.
mValue.mLow, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(col0), xxxx));
113 t_low = _mm_add_pd(t_low, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(col1), yyyy));
114 t_low = _mm_add_pd(t_low, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(col2), zzzz));
115 __m128d t_high = _mm_add_pd(mCol3.
mValue.mHigh, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(col0, col0, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))), xxxx));
116 t_high = _mm_add_pd(t_high, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(col1, col1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))), yyyy));
117 t_high = _mm_add_pd(t_high, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(col2, col2, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))), zzzz));
118 return DVec3({ t_low, t_high });
119#elif defined(JPH_USE_NEON)
120 float64x2_t xxxx = vdupq_laneq_f64(inV.
mValue.val[0], 0);
121 float64x2_t yyyy = vdupq_laneq_f64(inV.
mValue.val[0], 1);
122 float64x2_t zzzz = vdupq_laneq_f64(inV.
mValue.val[1], 0);
123 float32x4_t col0 = mCol[0].
124 float32x4_t col1 = mCol[1].
125 float32x4_t col2 = mCol[2].
126 float64x2_t t_low = vaddq_f64(mCol3.
mValue.val[0], vmulq_f64(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(col0)), xxxx));
127 t_low = vaddq_f64(t_low, vmulq_f64(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(col1)), yyyy));
128 t_low = vaddq_f64(t_low, vmulq_f64(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(col2)), zzzz));
129 float64x2_t t_high = vaddq_f64(mCol3.
mValue.val[1], vmulq_f64(vcvt_high_f64_f32(col0), xxxx));
130 t_high = vaddq_f64(t_high, vmulq_f64(vcvt_high_f64_f32(col1), yyyy));
131 t_high = vaddq_f64(t_high, vmulq_f64(vcvt_high_f64_f32(col2), zzzz));
143#if defined(JPH_USE_AVX)
144 __m256d t = _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_cvtps_pd(mCol[0].mValue), _mm256_set1_pd(inV.
145 t = _mm256_add_pd(t, _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_cvtps_pd(mCol[1].mValue), _mm256_set1_pd(inV.
146 t = _mm256_add_pd(t, _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_cvtps_pd(mCol[2].mValue), _mm256_set1_pd(inV.
148#elif defined(JPH_USE_SSE)
149 __m128d xxxx = _mm_set1_pd(inV.
150 __m128d yyyy = _mm_set1_pd(inV.
151 __m128d zzzz = _mm_set1_pd(inV.
152 __m128 col0 = mCol[0].
153 __m128 col1 = mCol[1].
154 __m128 col2 = mCol[2].
155 __m128d t_low = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(col0), xxxx);
156 t_low = _mm_add_pd(t_low, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(col1), yyyy));
157 t_low = _mm_add_pd(t_low, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(col2), zzzz));
158 __m128d t_high = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(col0, col0, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))), xxxx);
159 t_high = _mm_add_pd(t_high, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(col1, col1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))), yyyy));
160 t_high = _mm_add_pd(t_high, _mm_mul_pd(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_shuffle_ps(col2, col2, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))), zzzz));
161 return DVec3({ t_low, t_high });
162#elif defined(JPH_USE_NEON)
163 float64x2_t xxxx = vdupq_laneq_f64(inV.
mValue.val[0], 0);
164 float64x2_t yyyy = vdupq_laneq_f64(inV.
mValue.val[0], 1);
165 float64x2_t zzzz = vdupq_laneq_f64(inV.
mValue.val[1], 0);
166 float32x4_t col0 = mCol[0].
167 float32x4_t col1 = mCol[1].
168 float32x4_t col2 = mCol[2].
169 float64x2_t t_low = vmulq_f64(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(col0)), xxxx);
170 t_low = vaddq_f64(t_low, vmulq_f64(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(col1)), yyyy));
171 t_low = vaddq_f64(t_low, vmulq_f64(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_low_f32(col2)), zzzz));
172 float64x2_t t_high = vmulq_f64(vcvt_high_f64_f32(col0), xxxx);
173 t_high = vaddq_f64(t_high, vmulq_f64(vcvt_high_f64_f32(col1), yyyy));
174 t_high = vaddq_f64(t_high, vmulq_f64(vcvt_high_f64_f32(col2), zzzz));
178 double(mCol[0].mF32[0]) * inV.
mF64[0] +
mF32[0]) * inV.
mF64[1] +
mF32[0]) * inV.
179 double(mCol[0].
mF32[1]) * inV.
mF64[0] +
mF32[1]) * inV.
mF64[1] +
mF32[1]) * inV.
180 double(mCol[0].
mF32[2]) * inV.
mF64[0] +
mF32[2]) * inV.
mF64[1] +
mF32[2]) * inV.
189#if defined(JPH_USE_SSE)
190 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
193 __m128 t = _mm_mul_ps(mCol[0].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(c, c, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)));
194 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[1].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(c, c, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))));
195 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[2].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(c, c, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))));
196 result.mCol[i].
mValue = t;
198#elif defined(JPH_USE_NEON)
199 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
202 Type t = vmulq_f32(mCol[0].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(c, 0));
203 t = vmlaq_f32(t, mCol[1].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(c, 1));
204 t = vmlaq_f32(t, mCol[2].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(c, 2));
205 result.mCol[i].
mValue = t;
208 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
211 result.mCol[i] = mCol[0] * coli.
mF32[0] + mCol[1] * coli.
mF32[1] + mCol[2] * coli.
226#if defined(JPH_USE_SSE)
227 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
229 __m128 c = inM.mCol[i].
230 __m128 t = _mm_mul_ps(mCol[0].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(c, c, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)));
231 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[1].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(c, c, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))));
232 t = _mm_add_ps(t, _mm_mul_ps(mCol[2].mValue, _mm_shuffle_ps(c, c, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))));
233 result.mCol[i].
mValue = t;
235#elif defined(JPH_USE_NEON)
236 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
239 Type t = vmulq_f32(mCol[0].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(c, 0));
240 t = vmlaq_f32(t, mCol[1].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(c, 1));
241 t = vmlaq_f32(t, mCol[2].mValue, vdupq_laneq_f32(c, 2));
242 result.mCol[i].
mValue = t;
245 for (
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
247 Vec4 coli = inM.mCol[i];
248 result.mCol[i] = mCol[0] * coli.
mF32[0] + mCol[1] * coli.
mF32[1] + mCol[2] * coli.
267 return DMat44(inScale.
GetX() * mCol[0], inScale.
GetY() * mCol[1], inScale.
GetZ() * mCol[2], mCol3);
272 Vec4 scale(inScale, 1);
273 return DMat44(scale * mCol[0], scale * mCol[1], scale * mCol[2],
DVec3(scale) * mCol3);
Definition Core.h:419
Definition Core.h:413
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats with the last column consisting of doubles.
Definition DMat44.h:13
JPH_INLINE bool operator==(DMat44Arg inM2) const
Definition DMat44.inl:53
DVec3::TypeArg DTypeArg
Definition DMat44.h:20
JPH_INLINE void SetTranslation(DVec3Arg inV)
Definition DMat44.h:112
JPH_INLINE Vec4 GetColumn4(uint inCol) const
Definition DMat44.h:115
JPH_INLINE DMat44 PostTranslated(Vec3Arg inTranslation) const
Post multiply by translation matrix: result = Mat44::sTranslation(inTranslation) * this (i....
Definition DMat44.inl:286
JPH_INLINE Mat44 Transposed3x3() const
Transpose 3x3 subpart of matrix.
Definition DMat44.h:119
JPH_INLINE DMat44 PreTranslated(Vec3Arg inTranslation) const
Pre multiply by translation matrix: result = this * Mat44::sTranslation(inTranslation)
Definition DMat44.inl:276
static JPH_INLINE DMat44 sZero()
Zero matrix.
Definition DMat44.inl:35
static JPH_INLINE DMat44 sIdentity()
Identity matrix.
Definition DMat44.inl:40
JPH_INLINE Vec3 Multiply3x3(Vec3Arg inV) const
Multiply vector by only 3x3 part of the matrix.
Definition DMat44.h:78
JPH_INLINE DMat44 PostScaled(Vec3Arg inScale) const
Scale a matrix: result = Mat44::sScale(inScale) * this.
Definition DMat44.inl:270
static JPH_INLINE DMat44 sInverseRotationTranslation(QuatArg inR, DVec3Arg inT)
Get inverse matrix of sRotationTranslation.
Definition DMat44.inl:45
JPH_INLINE void SetRotation(Mat44Arg inRotation)
Updates the rotation part of this matrix (the first 3 columns)
Definition DMat44.inl:258
JPH_INLINE DMat44 PreScaled(Vec3Arg inScale) const
Scale a matrix: result = this * Mat44::sScale(inScale)
Definition DMat44.inl:265
JPH_INLINE DMat44 InversedRotationTranslation() const
Inverse 4x4 matrix when it only contains rotation and translation.
Definition DMat44.inl:303
JPH_INLINE DMat44 Inversed() const
Inverse 4x4 matrix.
Definition DMat44.inl:296
JPH_INLINE DVec3 GetTranslation() const
Definition DMat44.h:111
JPH_INLINE DMat44 operator*(Mat44Arg inM) const
Multiply matrix by matrix.
Definition DMat44.inl:184
JPH_INLINE bool IsClose(DMat44Arg inM2, float inMaxDistSq=1.0e-12f) const
Test if two matrices are close.
Definition DMat44.inl:61
JPH_INLINE Mat44 GetRotation() const
Get rotation part only (note: retains the first 3 values from the bottom row)
Definition DMat44.h:128
Vec4::Type Type
Definition DMat44.h:18
double mF64[4]
Definition DVec3.h:283
static JPH_INLINE Type sFixW(TypeArg inValue)
Internal helper function that ensures that the Z component is replicated to the W component to preven...
Definition DVec3.inl:92
Type mValue
Definition DVec3.h:282
JPH_INLINE bool IsClose(DVec3Arg inV2, double inMaxDistSq=1.0e-24) const
Test if two vectors are close.
Definition DVec3.inl:419
static JPH_INLINE DVec3 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition DVec3.inl:120
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix.
Definition Mat44.h:13
JPH_INLINE Vec4 GetColumn4(uint inCol) const
Definition Mat44.h:160
JPH_INLINE Vec3 GetTranslation() const
Definition Mat44.h:152
static JPH_INLINE Mat44 sRotation(Vec3Arg inAxis, float inAngle)
Rotate around arbitrary axis.
Definition Mat44.inl:139
JPH_INLINE Quat Conjugated() const
The conjugate [w, -x, -y, -z] is the same as the inverse for unit quaternions.
Definition Quat.h:178
JPH_INLINE float GetX() const
Get individual components.
Definition Vec3.h:127
Type mValue
Definition Vec3.h:289
JPH_INLINE float GetY() const
Definition Vec3.h:128
float mF32[4]
Definition Vec3.h:290
JPH_INLINE float GetZ() const
Definition Vec3.h:129
float mF32[4]
Definition Vec4.h:278
static JPH_INLINE Vec4 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition Vec4.inl:63
Type mValue
Definition Vec4.h:277