Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
Matrix< Rows, Cols > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Matrix< Rows, Cols >, including all inherited members.

CopyPart(const OtherMatrix &inM, uint inSourceRow, uint inSourceCol, uint inNumRows, uint inNumCols, uint inDestRow, uint inDestCol)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
GetCols() constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
GetColumn(int inIdx) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
GetColumn(int inIdx)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
GetRows() constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
Inversed() constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
IsIdentity() constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
IsZero() constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
Matrix()=defaultMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
Matrix(const Matrix &inM2)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
mColMatrix< Rows, Cols >
operator!=(const Matrix &inM2) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator()(uint inRow, uint inColumn) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator()(uint inRow, uint inColumn)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator*(const Matrix< Cols, OtherCols > &inM) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator*(const Vector< Cols > &inV) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator*(float inV) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator*(float inV, const Matrix &inM)Matrix< Rows, Cols >friend
operator+(const Matrix &inM) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator-(const Matrix &inM) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator<<(ostream &inStream, const Matrix &inM)Matrix< Rows, Cols >friend
operator=(const Matrix &inM2)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
operator==(const Matrix &inM2) constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline
sDiagonal(const Vector< Rows< Cols? Rows :Cols > &inV)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inlinestatic
SetDiagonal(const Vector< Rows< Cols? Rows :Cols > &inV)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
SetIdentity()Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
SetInversed(const Matrix &inM)Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
SetZero()Matrix< Rows, Cols >inline
sIdentity()Matrix< Rows, Cols >inlinestatic
sZero()Matrix< Rows, Cols >inlinestatic
Transposed() constMatrix< Rows, Cols >inline