Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
Vec4 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Vec4, including all inherited members.

Abs() constVec4
ACos() constVec4inline
ASin() constVec4inline
ATan() constVec4inline
Dot(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
DotV(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
GetSign() constVec4
GetSignBits() constVec4
GetW() constVec4inline
GetX() constVec4inline
GetY() constVec4inline
GetZ() constVec4inline
IsClose(Vec4Arg inV2, float inMaxDistSq=1.0e-12f) constVec4
IsNaN() constVec4
IsNormalized(float inTolerance=1.0e-6f) constVec4
Length() constVec4
LengthSq() constVec4
Normalized() constVec4
operator!=(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4inline
operator*(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
operator*(float inV2) constVec4
operator*(float inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4friend
operator*=(float inV2)Vec4
operator*=(Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4
operator+(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
operator+=(Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4
operator-() constVec4
operator-(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
operator-=(Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4
operator/(float inV2) constVec4
operator/(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
operator/=(float inV2)Vec4
operator<<(ostream &inStream, Vec4Arg inV)Vec4friend
operator=(const Vec4 &inRHS)=defaultVec4
operator==(Vec4Arg inV2) constVec4
operator[](uint inCoordinate) constVec4inline
operator[](uint inCoordinate)Vec4inline
Reciprocal() constVec4
ReduceMax() constVec4
ReduceMin() constVec4
ReinterpretAsInt() constVec4
sAnd(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
sATan2(Vec4Arg inY, Vec4Arg inX)Vec4inlinestatic
sEquals(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
Set(float inX, float inY, float inZ, float inW)Vec4inline
SetW(float inW)Vec4inline
SetX(float inX)Vec4inline
SetY(float inY)Vec4inline
SetZ(float inZ)Vec4inline
sFusedMultiplyAdd(Vec4Arg inMul1, Vec4Arg inMul2, Vec4Arg inAdd)Vec4static
sGatherFloat4(const float *inBase, UVec4Arg inOffsets)Vec4static
sGatherFloat4(const float *inBase, UVec4Arg inOffsets)Vec4
sGreater(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
sGreaterOrEqual(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
SinCos(Vec4 &outSin, Vec4 &outCos) constVec4inline
sLess(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
sLessOrEqual(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
sLoadFloat4(const Float4 *inV)Vec4static
sLoadFloat4Aligned(const Float4 *inV)Vec4static
sMax(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
sMin(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
sOr(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
SplatW() constVec4
SplatX() constVec4
SplatY() constVec4
SplatZ() constVec4
Sqrt() constVec4
sReplicate(float inV)Vec4static
sSelect(Vec4Arg inNotSet, Vec4Arg inSet, UVec4Arg inControl)Vec4static
sSort4(Vec4 &ioValue, UVec4 &ioIndex)Vec4static
sSort4Reverse(Vec4 &ioValue, UVec4 &ioIndex)Vec4static
StoreFloat4(Float4 *outV) constVec4
Swizzle() constVec4
Swizzle() constVec4
sXor(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)Vec4static
Tan() constVec4inline
ToInt() constVec4
Type typedefVec4
Vec4(const Vec4 &inRHS)=defaultVec4
Vec4(Vec3Arg inRHS)Vec4explicit
Vec4(Vec3Arg inRHS, float inW)Vec4
Vec4(Type inRHS)Vec4inline
Vec4(float inX, float inY, float inZ, float inW)Vec4