Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
NActiveEdges | An active edge is an edge that either has no neighbouring edge or if the angle between the two connecting faces is too large |
NClosestPoint | Helper utils to find the closest point to a line segment, triangle or tetrahedron |
NHalfFloatConversion | |
NHeightFieldShapeConstants | Constants for HeightFieldShape, this was moved out of the HeightFieldShape because of a linker bug |
Nliterals | |
NScaleHelpers | Helper functions to get properties of a scaling vector |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< JPH::StaticArray< T, N > > | Declare std::hash for StaticArray |
Chash< JPH::String > | Declare std::hash for String, for some reason on Linux based platforms template deduction takes the wrong variant |
NStreamUtils |