Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
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1// Jolt Physics Library (
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Jorrit Rouwe
3// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5#pragma once
9// Turn off fused multiply add instruction because it makes the equations of the form a * b - c * d inaccurate below
13namespace ClosestPoint
17 inline void GetBaryCentricCoordinates(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, float &outU, float &outV)
18 {
19 Vec3 ab = inB - inA;
20 float denominator = ab.LengthSq();
21 if (denominator < Square(FLT_EPSILON))
22 {
23 // Degenerate line segment, fallback to points
24 if (inA.LengthSq() < inB.LengthSq())
25 {
26 // A closest
27 outU = 1.0f;
28 outV = 0.0f;
29 }
30 else
31 {
32 // B closest
33 outU = 0.0f;
34 outV = 1.0f;
35 }
36 }
37 else
38 {
39 outV = -inA.Dot(ab) / denominator;
40 outU = 1.0f - outV;
41 }
42 }
46 inline void GetBaryCentricCoordinates(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, Vec3Arg inC, float &outU, float &outV, float &outW)
47 {
48 // Taken from: Real-Time Collision Detection - Christer Ericson (Section: Barycentric Coordinates)
49 // With p = 0
50 // Adjusted to always include the shortest edge of the triangle in the calculation to improve numerical accuracy
52 // First calculate the three edges
53 Vec3 v0 = inB - inA;
54 Vec3 v1 = inC - inA;
55 Vec3 v2 = inC - inB;
57 // Make sure that the shortest edge is included in the calculation to keep the products a * b - c * d as small as possible to preserve accuracy
58 float d00 = v0.Dot(v0);
59 float d11 = v1.Dot(v1);
60 float d22 = v2.Dot(v2);
61 if (d00 <= d22)
62 {
63 // Use v0 and v1 to calculate barycentric coordinates
64 float d01 = v0.Dot(v1);
66 float denominator = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
67 if (abs(denominator) < FLT_EPSILON)
68 {
69 // Degenerate triangle, return coordinates along longest edge
70 if (d00 > d11)
71 {
72 GetBaryCentricCoordinates(inA, inB, outU, outV);
73 outW = 0.0f;
74 }
75 else
76 {
77 GetBaryCentricCoordinates(inA, inC, outU, outW);
78 outV = 0.0f;
79 }
80 }
81 else
82 {
83 float a0 = inA.Dot(v0);
84 float a1 = inA.Dot(v1);
85 outV = (d01 * a1 - d11 * a0) / denominator;
86 outW = (d01 * a0 - d00 * a1) / denominator;
87 outU = 1.0f - outV - outW;
88 }
89 }
90 else
91 {
92 // Use v1 and v2 to calculate barycentric coordinates
93 float d12 = v1.Dot(v2);
95 float denominator = d11 * d22 - d12 * d12;
96 if (abs(denominator) < FLT_EPSILON)
97 {
98 // Degenerate triangle, return coordinates along longest edge
99 if (d11 > d22)
100 {
101 GetBaryCentricCoordinates(inA, inC, outU, outW);
102 outV = 0.0f;
103 }
104 else
105 {
106 GetBaryCentricCoordinates(inB, inC, outV, outW);
107 outU = 0.0f;
108 }
109 }
110 else
111 {
112 float c1 = inC.Dot(v1);
113 float c2 = inC.Dot(v2);
114 outU = (d22 * c1 - d12 * c2) / denominator;
115 outV = (d11 * c2 - d12 * c1) / denominator;
116 outW = 1.0f - outU - outV;
117 }
118 }
119 }
124 {
125 float u, v;
126 GetBaryCentricCoordinates(inA, inB, u, v);
127 if (v <= 0.0f)
128 {
129 // inA is closest point
130 outSet = 0b0001;
131 return inA;
132 }
133 else if (u <= 0.0f)
134 {
135 // inB is closest point
136 outSet = 0b0010;
137 return inB;
138 }
139 else
140 {
141 // Closest point lies on line inA inB
142 outSet = 0b0011;
143 return u * inA + v * inB;
144 }
145 }
150 template <bool MustIncludeC = false>
152 {
153 // Taken from: Real-Time Collision Detection - Christer Ericson (Section: Closest Point on Triangle to Point)
154 // With p = 0
156 // The most accurate normal is calculated by using the two shortest edges
157 // See:
158 // The difference in normals is most pronounced when one edge is much smaller than the others (in which case the other 2 must have roughly the same length).
159 // Therefore we can suffice by just picking the shortest from 2 edges and use that with the 3rd edge to calculate the normal.
160 // We first check which of the edges is shorter and if bc is shorter than ac then we swap a with c to a is always on the shortest edge
161 UVec4 swap_ac;
162 {
163 Vec3 ac = inC - inA;
164 Vec3 bc = inC - inB;
165 swap_ac = Vec4::sLess(bc.DotV4(bc), ac.DotV4(ac));
166 }
167 Vec3 a = Vec3::sSelect(inA, inC, swap_ac);
168 Vec3 c = Vec3::sSelect(inC, inA, swap_ac);
170 // Calculate normal
171 Vec3 ab = inB - a;
172 Vec3 ac = c - a;
173 Vec3 n = ab.Cross(ac);
174 float n_len_sq = n.LengthSq();
176 // Check degenerate
177 if (n_len_sq < 1.0e-11f) // Square(FLT_EPSILON) was too small and caused numerical problems, see test case TestCollideParallelTriangleVsCapsule
178 {
179 // Degenerate, fallback to vertices and edges
181 // Start with vertex C being the closest
182 uint32 closest_set = 0b0100;
183 Vec3 closest_point = inC;
184 float best_dist_sq = inC.LengthSq();
186 // If the closest point must include C then A or B cannot be closest
187 if constexpr (!MustIncludeC)
188 {
189 // Try vertex A
190 float a_len_sq = inA.LengthSq();
191 if (a_len_sq < best_dist_sq)
192 {
193 closest_set = 0b0001;
194 closest_point = inA;
195 best_dist_sq = a_len_sq;
196 }
198 // Try vertex B
199 float b_len_sq = inB.LengthSq();
200 if (b_len_sq < best_dist_sq)
201 {
202 closest_set = 0b0010;
203 closest_point = inB;
204 best_dist_sq = b_len_sq;
205 }
207 // Edge AB
208 float ab_len_sq = ab.LengthSq();
209 if (ab_len_sq > Square(FLT_EPSILON))
210 {
211 float v = Clamp(-a.Dot(ab) / ab_len_sq, 0.0f, 1.0f);
212 Vec3 q = a + v * ab;
213 float dist_sq = q.LengthSq();
214 if (dist_sq < best_dist_sq)
215 {
216 closest_set = swap_ac.GetX()? 0b0110 : 0b0011;
217 closest_point = q;
218 best_dist_sq = dist_sq;
219 }
220 }
221 }
223 // Edge AC
224 float ac_len_sq = ac.LengthSq();
225 if (ac_len_sq > Square(FLT_EPSILON))
226 {
227 float v = Clamp(-a.Dot(ac) / ac_len_sq, 0.0f, 1.0f);
228 Vec3 q = a + v * ac;
229 float dist_sq = q.LengthSq();
230 if (dist_sq < best_dist_sq)
231 {
232 closest_set = 0b0101;
233 closest_point = q;
234 best_dist_sq = dist_sq;
235 }
236 }
238 // Edge BC
239 Vec3 bc = c - inB;
240 float bc_len_sq = bc.LengthSq();
241 if (bc_len_sq > Square(FLT_EPSILON))
242 {
243 float v = Clamp(-inB.Dot(bc) / bc_len_sq, 0.0f, 1.0f);
244 Vec3 q = inB + v * bc;
245 float dist_sq = q.LengthSq();
246 if (dist_sq < best_dist_sq)
247 {
248 closest_set = swap_ac.GetX()? 0b0011 : 0b0110;
249 closest_point = q;
250 best_dist_sq = dist_sq;
251 }
252 }
254 outSet = closest_set;
255 return closest_point;
256 }
258 // Check if P in vertex region outside A
259 Vec3 ap = -a;
260 float d1 = ab.Dot(ap);
261 float d2 = ac.Dot(ap);
262 if (d1 <= 0.0f && d2 <= 0.0f)
263 {
264 outSet = swap_ac.GetX()? 0b0100 : 0b0001;
265 return a; // barycentric coordinates (1,0,0)
266 }
268 // Check if P in vertex region outside B
269 Vec3 bp = -inB;
270 float d3 = ab.Dot(bp);
271 float d4 = ac.Dot(bp);
272 if (d3 >= 0.0f && d4 <= d3)
273 {
274 outSet = 0b0010;
275 return inB; // barycentric coordinates (0,1,0)
276 }
278 // Check if P in edge region of AB, if so return projection of P onto AB
279 if (d1 * d4 <= d3 * d2 && d1 >= 0.0f && d3 <= 0.0f)
280 {
281 float v = d1 / (d1 - d3);
282 outSet = swap_ac.GetX()? 0b0110 : 0b0011;
283 return a + v * ab; // barycentric coordinates (1-v,v,0)
284 }
286 // Check if P in vertex region outside C
287 Vec3 cp = -c;
288 float d5 = ab.Dot(cp);
289 float d6 = ac.Dot(cp);
290 if (d6 >= 0.0f && d5 <= d6)
291 {
292 outSet = swap_ac.GetX()? 0b0001 : 0b0100;
293 return c; // barycentric coordinates (0,0,1)
294 }
296 // Check if P in edge region of AC, if so return projection of P onto AC
297 if (d5 * d2 <= d1 * d6 && d2 >= 0.0f && d6 <= 0.0f)
298 {
299 float w = d2 / (d2 - d6);
300 outSet = 0b0101;
301 return a + w * ac; // barycentric coordinates (1-w,0,w)
302 }
304 // Check if P in edge region of BC, if so return projection of P onto BC
305 float d4_d3 = d4 - d3;
306 float d5_d6 = d5 - d6;
307 if (d3 * d6 <= d5 * d4 && d4_d3 >= 0.0f && d5_d6 >= 0.0f)
308 {
309 float w = d4_d3 / (d4_d3 + d5_d6);
310 outSet = swap_ac.GetX()? 0b0011 : 0b0110;
311 return inB + w * (c - inB); // barycentric coordinates (0,1-w,w)
312 }
314 // P inside face region.
315 // Here we deviate from Christer Ericson's article to improve accuracy.
316 // Determine distance between triangle and origin: distance = (centroid - origin) . normal / |normal|
317 // Closest point to origin is then: distance . normal / |normal|
318 // Note that this way of calculating the closest point is much more accurate than first calculating barycentric coordinates
319 // and then calculating the closest point based on those coordinates.
320 outSet = 0b0111;
321 return n * (a + inB + c).Dot(n) / (3.0f * n_len_sq);
322 }
325 inline bool OriginOutsideOfPlane(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, Vec3Arg inC, Vec3Arg inD)
326 {
327 // Taken from: Real-Time Collision Detection - Christer Ericson (Section: Closest Point on Tetrahedron to Point)
328 // With p = 0
330 // Test if point p and d lie on opposite sides of plane through abc
331 Vec3 n = (inB - inA).Cross(inC - inA);
332 float signp = inA.Dot(n); // [AP AB AC]
333 float signd = (inD - inA).Dot(n); // [AD AB AC]
335 // Points on opposite sides if expression signs are the same
336 // Note that we left out the minus sign in signp so we need to check > 0 instead of < 0 as in Christer's book
337 // We compare against a small negative value to allow for a little bit of slop in the calculations
338 return signp * signd > -FLT_EPSILON;
339 }
348 {
349 Vec3 ab = inB - inA;
350 Vec3 ac = inC - inA;
351 Vec3 ad = inD - inA;
352 Vec3 bd = inD - inB;
353 Vec3 bc = inC - inB;
355 Vec3 ab_cross_ac = ab.Cross(ac);
356 Vec3 ac_cross_ad = ac.Cross(ad);
357 Vec3 ad_cross_ab = ad.Cross(ab);
358 Vec3 bd_cross_bc = bd.Cross(bc);
360 // For each plane get the side on which the origin is
361 float signp0 = inA.Dot(ab_cross_ac); // ABC
362 float signp1 = inA.Dot(ac_cross_ad); // ACD
363 float signp2 = inA.Dot(ad_cross_ab); // ADB
364 float signp3 = inB.Dot(bd_cross_bc); // BDC
365 Vec4 signp(signp0, signp1, signp2, signp3);
367 // For each plane get the side that is outside (determined by the 4th point)
368 float signd0 = ad.Dot(ab_cross_ac); // D
369 float signd1 = ab.Dot(ac_cross_ad); // B
370 float signd2 = ac.Dot(ad_cross_ab); // C
371 float signd3 = -ab.Dot(bd_cross_bc); // A
372 Vec4 signd(signd0, signd1, signd2, signd3);
374 // The winding of all triangles has been chosen so that signd should have the
375 // same sign for all components. If this is not the case the tetrahedron
376 // is degenerate and we return that the origin is in front of all sides
377 int sign_bits = signd.GetSignBits();
378 switch (sign_bits)
379 {
380 case 0:
381 // All positive
382 return Vec4::sGreaterOrEqual(signp, Vec4::sReplicate(-FLT_EPSILON));
384 case 0xf:
385 // All negative
386 return Vec4::sLessOrEqual(signp, Vec4::sReplicate(FLT_EPSILON));
388 default:
389 // Mixed signs, degenerate tetrahedron
390 return UVec4::sReplicate(0xffffffff);
391 }
392 }
397 template <bool MustIncludeD = false>
399 {
400 // Taken from: Real-Time Collision Detection - Christer Ericson (Section: Closest Point on Tetrahedron to Point)
401 // With p = 0
403 // Start out assuming point inside all halfspaces, so closest to itself
404 uint32 closest_set = 0b1111;
405 Vec3 closest_point = Vec3::sZero();
406 float best_dist_sq = FLT_MAX;
408 // Determine for each of the faces of the tetrahedron if the origin is in front of the plane
409 UVec4 origin_out_of_planes = OriginOutsideOfTetrahedronPlanes(inA, inB, inC, inD);
411 // If point outside face abc then compute closest point on abc
412 if (origin_out_of_planes.GetX()) // OriginOutsideOfPlane(inA, inB, inC, inD)
413 {
414 if constexpr (MustIncludeD)
415 {
416 // If the closest point must include D then ABC cannot be closest but the closest point
417 // cannot be an interior point either so we return A as closest point
418 closest_set = 0b0001;
419 closest_point = inA;
420 }
421 else
422 {
423 // Test the face normally
424 closest_point = GetClosestPointOnTriangle<false>(inA, inB, inC, closest_set);
425 }
426 best_dist_sq = closest_point.LengthSq();
427 }
429 // Repeat test for face acd
430 if (origin_out_of_planes.GetY()) // OriginOutsideOfPlane(inA, inC, inD, inB)
431 {
432 uint32 set;
433 Vec3 q = GetClosestPointOnTriangle<MustIncludeD>(inA, inC, inD, set);
434 float dist_sq = q.LengthSq();
435 if (dist_sq < best_dist_sq)
436 {
437 best_dist_sq = dist_sq;
438 closest_point = q;
439 closest_set = (set & 0b0001) + ((set & 0b0110) << 1);
440 }
441 }
443 // Repeat test for face adb
444 if (origin_out_of_planes.GetZ()) // OriginOutsideOfPlane(inA, inD, inB, inC)
445 {
446 // Keep original vertex order, it doesn't matter if the triangle is facing inward or outward
447 // and it improves consistency for GJK which will always add a new vertex D and keep the closest
448 // feature from the previous iteration in ABC
449 uint32 set;
450 Vec3 q = GetClosestPointOnTriangle<MustIncludeD>(inA, inB, inD, set);
451 float dist_sq = q.LengthSq();
452 if (dist_sq < best_dist_sq)
453 {
454 best_dist_sq = dist_sq;
455 closest_point = q;
456 closest_set = (set & 0b0011) + ((set & 0b0100) << 1);
457 }
458 }
460 // Repeat test for face bdc
461 if (origin_out_of_planes.GetW()) // OriginOutsideOfPlane(inB, inD, inC, inA)
462 {
463 // Keep original vertex order, it doesn't matter if the triangle is facing inward or outward
464 // and it improves consistency for GJK which will always add a new vertex D and keep the closest
465 // feature from the previous iteration in ABC
466 uint32 set;
467 Vec3 q = GetClosestPointOnTriangle<MustIncludeD>(inB, inC, inD, set);
468 float dist_sq = q.LengthSq();
469 if (dist_sq < best_dist_sq)
470 {
471 closest_point = q;
472 closest_set = set << 1;
473 }
474 }
476 outSet = closest_set;
477 return closest_point;
478 }
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Core.h:312
Definition: Core.h:240
Definition: Core.h:234
constexpr T Clamp(T inV, T inMin, T inMax)
Clamp a value between two values.
Definition: Math.h:45
constexpr T Square(T inV)
Square a value.
Definition: Math.h:52
Definition: UVec4.h:12
JPH_INLINE uint32 GetZ() const
Definition: UVec4.h:103
JPH_INLINE uint32 GetY() const
Definition: UVec4.h:102
static JPH_INLINE UVec4 sReplicate(uint32 inV)
Replicate int inV across all components.
Definition: UVec4.inl:56
JPH_INLINE uint32 GetW() const
Definition: UVec4.h:104
JPH_INLINE uint32 GetX() const
Get individual components.
Definition: UVec4.h:101
Definition: Vec3.h:16
JPH_INLINE float Dot(Vec3Arg inV2) const
Dot product.
Definition: Vec3.inl:637
JPH_INLINE Vec3 Cross(Vec3Arg inV2) const
Cross product.
Definition: Vec3.inl:582
JPH_INLINE Vec4 DotV4(Vec3Arg inV2) const
Dot product, returns the dot product in X, Y, Z and W components.
Definition: Vec3.inl:621
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sSelect(Vec3Arg inV1, Vec3Arg inV2, UVec4Arg inControl)
Component wise select, returns inV1 when highest bit of inControl = 0 and inV2 when highest bit of in...
Definition: Vec3.inl:269
JPH_INLINE float LengthSq() const
Squared length of vector.
Definition: Vec3.inl:653
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition: Vec3.inl:107
Definition: Vec4.h:14
static JPH_INLINE UVec4 sLessOrEqual(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)
Less than or equal (component wise)
Definition: Vec4.inl:194
static JPH_INLINE UVec4 sLess(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)
Less than (component wise)
Definition: Vec4.inl:180
static JPH_INLINE UVec4 sGreaterOrEqual(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)
Greater than or equal (component wise)
Definition: Vec4.inl:222
JPH_INLINE int GetSignBits() const
Store if X is negative in bit 0, Y in bit 1, Z in bit 2 and W in bit 3.
Definition: Vec4.inl:746
static JPH_INLINE Vec4 sReplicate(float inV)
Replicate inV across all components.
Definition: Vec4.inl:74
Helper utils to find the closest point to a line segment, triangle or tetrahedron.
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:14
Vec3 GetClosestPointOnTriangle(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, Vec3Arg inC, uint32 &outSet)
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:151
void GetBaryCentricCoordinates(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, float &outU, float &outV)
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:17
UVec4 OriginOutsideOfTetrahedronPlanes(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, Vec3Arg inC, Vec3Arg inD)
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:347
Vec3 GetClosestPointOnTetrahedron(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, Vec3Arg inC, Vec3Arg inD, uint32 &outSet)
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:398
bool OriginOutsideOfPlane(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, Vec3Arg inC, Vec3Arg inD)
Check if the origin is outside the plane of triangle (inA, inB, inC). inD specifies the front side of...
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:325
Vec3 GetClosestPointOnLine(Vec3Arg inA, Vec3Arg inB, uint32 &outSet)
Definition: ClosestPoint.h:123