This is the complete list of members for CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor, including all inherited members.
CastShapeVisitor(const ShapeCast &inShapeCast, const ShapeCastSettings &inShapeCastSettings, const CompoundShape *inShape, Vec3Arg inScale, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform2, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator1, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator2, CastShapeCollector &ioCollector) | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | inline |
mBoxCenter | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mBoxExtent | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mCenterOfMassTransform2 | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mCollector | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mInvDirection | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mScale | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mShapeCast | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mShapeCastSettings | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mShapeFilter | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mSubShapeBits | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mSubShapeIDCreator1 | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
mSubShapeIDCreator2 | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | |
ShouldAbort() const | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | inline |
TestBounds(Vec4Arg inBoundsMinX, Vec4Arg inBoundsMinY, Vec4Arg inBoundsMinZ, Vec4Arg inBoundsMaxX, Vec4Arg inBoundsMaxY, Vec4Arg inBoundsMaxZ) const | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | inline |
VisitShape(const SubShape &inSubShape, uint32 inSubShapeIndex) | CompoundShape::CastShapeVisitor | inline |