#define JPH_EXPORT
Definition: Core.h:236
Definition: Core.h:378
Definition: Core.h:372
Axis aligned box.
Definition: AABox.h:16
Class function to filter out bodies, returns true if test should collide with body.
Definition: BodyFilter.h:16
Base class interface for locking a body. Usually you will use BodyLockRead / BodyLockWrite / BodyLock...
Definition: BodyLockInterface.h:17
Filter class for broadphase layers.
Definition: BroadPhaseLayer.h:94
Definition: BroadPhaseQuery.h:29
Settings to be passed with a collision query.
Definition: CollideShape.h:94
Virtual interface that allows collecting multiple collision results.
Definition: CollisionCollector.h:45
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix.
Definition: Mat44.h:13
Definition: NarrowPhaseQuery.h:23
void Init(BodyLockInterface &inBodyLockInterface, BroadPhaseQuery &inBroadPhaseQuery)
Initialize the interface (should only be called by PhysicsSystem)
Definition: NarrowPhaseQuery.h:26
Class that makes another class non-copyable. Usage: Inherit from NonCopyable.
Definition: NonCopyable.h:11
Filter class for object layers.
Definition: ObjectLayer.h:28
Specialization of cast result against a shape.
Definition: CastResult.h:30
Settings to be passed with a ray cast.
Definition: RayCast.h:70
Settings to be passed with a shape cast.
Definition: ShapeCast.h:92
Filter class.
Definition: ShapeFilter.h:17
Base class for all shapes (collision volume of a body). Defines a virtual interface for collision det...
Definition: Shape.h:178
Definition: ShapeCast.h:74