18 Vec4 values = inValues;
Definition Core.h:419
Definition Core.h:413
JPH_INLINE int CountAndSortTrues(UVec4Arg inValue, UVec4 &ioIdentifiers)
Definition SortReverseAndStore.h:39
JPH_NAMESPACE_BEGIN JPH_INLINE int SortReverseAndStore(Vec4Arg inValues, float inMaxValue, UVec4 &ioIdentifiers, float *outValues)
Definition SortReverseAndStore.h:15
Class that holds 4 float values. Convert to Vec4 to perform calculations.
Definition Float4.h:11
JPH_INLINE int CountTrues() const
Count the number of components that are true (true is when highest bit of component is set)
Definition UVec4.inl:375
static JPH_INLINE UVec4 sSort4True(UVec4Arg inValue, UVec4Arg inIndex)
Definition UVec4.inl:230
JPH_INLINE UVec4 ShiftComponents4Minus(int inCount) const
Shift vector components by 4 - Count floats to the left, so if Count = 1 the resulting vector is (W,...
Definition UVec4.inl:555
JPH_INLINE Vec4 ReinterpretAsFloat() const
Reinterpret UVec4 as a Vec4 (doesn't change the bits)
Definition UVec4.inl:340
static JPH_INLINE UVec4 sLess(Vec4Arg inV1, Vec4Arg inV2)
Less than (component wise)
Definition Vec4.inl:185
static JPH_INLINE void sSort4Reverse(Vec4 &ioValue, UVec4 &ioIndex)
Definition Vec4.inl:333
JPH_INLINE UVec4 ReinterpretAsInt() const
Reinterpret Vec4 as a UVec4 (doesn't change the bits)
Definition Vec4.inl:746
static JPH_INLINE Vec4 sReplicate(float inV)
Replicate inV across all components.
Definition Vec4.inl:74
JPH_INLINE void StoreFloat4(Float4 *outV) const
Store 4 floats to memory.
Definition Vec4.inl:723