Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
SoftBodyUpdateContext Class Reference

Temporary data used by the update of a soft body. More...

#include <SoftBodyUpdateContext.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoftBodyUpdateContext:

Public Types

enum class  EState { DetermineCollisionPlanes , ApplyEdgeConstraints , Done }
 Describes progress in the current update. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static uint64 sGetEdgeGroupStart (uint32 inGroup)
 Construct the edge constraint iterator starting at a new group. More...
static void sGetEdgeGroupAndStartIdx (uint64 inNextEdgeConstraint, uint32 &outGroup, uint32 &outStartIdx)
 Get the group and start index from the edge constraint iterator. More...

Public Attributes

 Body that is being updated. More...
 Motion properties of that body. More...
RMat44 mCenterOfMassTransform
 Transform of the body relative to the soft body. More...
Vec3 mGravity
 Gravity vector in local space of the soft body. More...
Vec3 mDisplacementDueToGravity
 Displacement of the center of mass due to gravity in the current time step. More...
float mDeltaTime
 Delta time for the current time step. More...
float mSubStepDeltaTime
 Delta time for each sub step. More...
atomic< EStatemState { EState::DetermineCollisionPlanes }
 Current state of the update. More...
atomic< uintmNextCollisionVertex { 0 }
 Next vertex to process for DetermineCollisionPlanes. More...
atomic< uintmNumCollisionVerticesProcessed { 0 }
 Number of vertices processed by DetermineCollisionPlanes, used to determine if we can start simulating. More...
atomic< uintmNextIteration { 0 }
 Next simulation iteration to process. More...
atomic< uint64mNextEdgeConstraint { 0 }
 Next edge constraint group and start index to process. More...
atomic< uintmNumEdgeConstraintsProcessed { 0 }
 Number of edge constraints processed by ApplyEdgeConstraints, used to determine if we can go to the next group / iteration. More...
Vec3 mDeltaPosition
 Delta position of the body in the current time step, should be applied after the update. More...
ECanSleep mCanSleep
 Can the body sleep? Should be applied after the update. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr uint cVertexCollisionBatch = 64
 Number of vertices to process in a batch in DetermineCollisionPlanes. More...
static constexpr uint cEdgeConstraintBatch = 256
 Number of edge constraints to process in a batch in ApplyEdgeConstraints. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from NonCopyable
 NonCopyable ()=default
 NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete
void operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete

Detailed Description

Temporary data used by the update of a soft body.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EState

enum class SoftBodyUpdateContext::EState

Describes progress in the current update.


Determine collision planes for vertices in parallel.


Apply edge constraints in parallel.


Update is finished.

Member Function Documentation

◆ sGetEdgeGroupAndStartIdx()

static void SoftBodyUpdateContext::sGetEdgeGroupAndStartIdx ( uint64  inNextEdgeConstraint,
uint32 outGroup,
uint32 outStartIdx 

Get the group and start index from the edge constraint iterator.

◆ sGetEdgeGroupStart()

static uint64 SoftBodyUpdateContext::sGetEdgeGroupStart ( uint32  inGroup)

Construct the edge constraint iterator starting at a new group.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cEdgeConstraintBatch

constexpr uint SoftBodyUpdateContext::cEdgeConstraintBatch = 256

Number of edge constraints to process in a batch in ApplyEdgeConstraints.

◆ cVertexCollisionBatch

constexpr uint SoftBodyUpdateContext::cVertexCollisionBatch = 64

Number of vertices to process in a batch in DetermineCollisionPlanes.

◆ mBody

Body* SoftBodyUpdateContext::mBody

Body that is being updated.

◆ mCanSleep

ECanSleep SoftBodyUpdateContext::mCanSleep

Can the body sleep? Should be applied after the update.

◆ mCenterOfMassTransform

RMat44 SoftBodyUpdateContext::mCenterOfMassTransform

Transform of the body relative to the soft body.

◆ mDeltaPosition

Vec3 SoftBodyUpdateContext::mDeltaPosition

Delta position of the body in the current time step, should be applied after the update.

◆ mDeltaTime

float SoftBodyUpdateContext::mDeltaTime

Delta time for the current time step.

◆ mDisplacementDueToGravity

Vec3 SoftBodyUpdateContext::mDisplacementDueToGravity

Displacement of the center of mass due to gravity in the current time step.

◆ mGravity

Vec3 SoftBodyUpdateContext::mGravity

Gravity vector in local space of the soft body.

◆ mMotionProperties

SoftBodyMotionProperties* SoftBodyUpdateContext::mMotionProperties

Motion properties of that body.

◆ mNextCollisionVertex

atomic<uint> SoftBodyUpdateContext::mNextCollisionVertex { 0 }

Next vertex to process for DetermineCollisionPlanes.

◆ mNextEdgeConstraint

atomic<uint64> SoftBodyUpdateContext::mNextEdgeConstraint { 0 }

Next edge constraint group and start index to process.

◆ mNextIteration

atomic<uint> SoftBodyUpdateContext::mNextIteration { 0 }

Next simulation iteration to process.

◆ mNumCollisionVerticesProcessed

atomic<uint> SoftBodyUpdateContext::mNumCollisionVerticesProcessed { 0 }

Number of vertices processed by DetermineCollisionPlanes, used to determine if we can start simulating.

◆ mNumEdgeConstraintsProcessed

atomic<uint> SoftBodyUpdateContext::mNumEdgeConstraintsProcessed { 0 }

Number of edge constraints processed by ApplyEdgeConstraints, used to determine if we can go to the next group / iteration.

◆ mState

atomic<EState> SoftBodyUpdateContext::mState { EState::DetermineCollisionPlanes }

Current state of the update.

◆ mSubStepDeltaTime

float SoftBodyUpdateContext::mSubStepDeltaTime

Delta time for each sub step.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: