Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
This is the complete list of members for DebugRenderer, including all inherited members.
Batch typedef | DebugRenderer | |
CreateTriangleBatch(const Triangle *inTriangles, int inTriangleCount)=0 | DebugRenderer | pure virtual |
CreateTriangleBatch(const Vertex *inVertices, int inVertexCount, const uint32 *inIndices, int inIndexCount)=0 | DebugRenderer | pure virtual |
CreateTriangleBatch(const Array< Triangle > &inTriangles) | DebugRenderer | inline |
CreateTriangleBatch(const Array< Vertex > &inVertices, const Array< uint32 > &inIndices) | DebugRenderer | inline |
CreateTriangleBatch(const VertexList &inVertices, const IndexedTriangleNoMaterialList &inTriangles) | DebugRenderer | |
CreateTriangleBatchForConvex(SupportFunction inGetSupport, int inLevel, AABox *outBounds=nullptr) | DebugRenderer | |
CreateTriangleGeometryForConvex(SupportFunction inGetSupport) | DebugRenderer | |
DebugRenderer() | DebugRenderer | |
DrawArrow(RVec3Arg inFrom, RVec3Arg inTo, ColorArg inColor, float inSize) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawBox(const AABox &inBox, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawBox(RMat44Arg inMatrix, const AABox &inBox, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawCapsule(RMat44Arg inMatrix, float inHalfHeightOfCylinder, float inRadius, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawCoordinateSystem(RMat44Arg inTransform, float inSize=1.0f) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawCylinder(RMat44Arg inMatrix, float inHalfHeight, float inRadius, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawGeometry(RMat44Arg inModelMatrix, const AABox &inWorldSpaceBounds, float inLODScaleSq, ColorArg inModelColor, const GeometryRef &inGeometry, ECullMode inCullMode=ECullMode::CullBackFace, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid)=0 | DebugRenderer | pure virtual |
DrawGeometry(RMat44Arg inModelMatrix, ColorArg inModelColor, const GeometryRef &inGeometry, ECullMode inCullMode=ECullMode::CullBackFace, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | inline |
DrawLine(RVec3Arg inFrom, RVec3Arg inTo, ColorArg inColor)=0 | DebugRenderer | pure virtual |
DrawMarker(RVec3Arg inPosition, ColorArg inColor, float inSize) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawOpenCone(RVec3Arg inTop, Vec3Arg inAxis, Vec3Arg inPerpendicular, float inHalfAngle, float inLength, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawPie(RVec3Arg inCenter, float inRadius, Vec3Arg inNormal, Vec3Arg inAxis, float inMinAngle, float inMaxAngle, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawPlane(RVec3Arg inPoint, Vec3Arg inNormal, ColorArg inColor, float inSize) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawSphere(RVec3Arg inCenter, float inRadius, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawSwingConeLimits(RMat44Arg inMatrix, float inSwingYHalfAngle, float inSwingZHalfAngle, float inEdgeLength, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawSwingPyramidLimits(RMat44Arg inMatrix, float inMinSwingYAngle, float inMaxSwingYAngle, float inMinSwingZAngle, float inMaxSwingZAngle, float inEdgeLength, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawText3D(RVec3Arg inPosition, const string_view &inString, ColorArg inColor=Color::sWhite, float inHeight=0.5f)=0 | DebugRenderer | pure virtual |
DrawTriangle(RVec3Arg inV1, RVec3Arg inV2, RVec3Arg inV3, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::Off)=0 | DebugRenderer | pure virtual |
DrawUnitSphere(RMat44Arg inMatrix, ColorArg inColor, ECastShadow inCastShadow=ECastShadow::On, EDrawMode inDrawMode=EDrawMode::Solid) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawWireBox(const AABox &inBox, ColorArg inColor) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawWireBox(const OrientedBox &inBox, ColorArg inColor) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawWireBox(RMat44Arg inMatrix, const AABox &inBox, ColorArg inColor) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawWirePolygon(RMat44Arg inTransform, const VERTEX_ARRAY &inVertices, ColorArg inColor, float inArrowSize=0.0f) | DebugRenderer | inline |
DrawWireSphere(RVec3Arg inCenter, float inRadius, ColorArg inColor, int inLevel=3) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawWireTriangle(RVec3Arg inV1, RVec3Arg inV2, RVec3Arg inV3, ColorArg inColor) | DebugRenderer | |
DrawWireUnitSphere(RMat44Arg inMatrix, ColorArg inColor, int inLevel=3) | DebugRenderer | |
ECastShadow enum name | DebugRenderer | |
ECullMode enum name | DebugRenderer | |
EDrawMode enum name | DebugRenderer | |
GeometryRef typedef | DebugRenderer | |
Initialize() | DebugRenderer | protected |
NextFrame() | DebugRenderer | |
NonCopyable()=default | NonCopyable | |
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)=delete | NonCopyable | |
operator=(const NonCopyable &)=delete | NonCopyable | |
sCalculateBounds(const Vertex *inVertices, int inVertexCount) | DebugRenderer | static |
sInstance | DebugRenderer | static |
SupportFunction typedef | DebugRenderer | |
~DebugRenderer() | DebugRenderer | virtual |