28 void SetSkeleton(
const Skeleton *inSkeleton);
54 void CalculateJointMatrices();
57 void CalculateJointStates();
60 void CalculateLocalSpaceJointMatrices(
Mat44 *outMatrices)
66 bool mDrawJoints =
67 bool mDrawJointOrientations =
68 bool mDrawJointNames =
78 JointStateVector mJoints;
79 Mat44Vector mJointMatrices;
#define JPH_EXPORT
Definition Core.h:275
unsigned int uint
Definition Core.h:487
Definition Core.h:419
Definition Core.h:413
Macro to override the new and delete functions.
Definition Memory.h:31
Definition DebugRenderer.h:47
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix.
Definition Mat44.h:13
static JPH_INLINE Mat44 sIdentity()
Identity matrix.
Definition Mat44.inl:35
Definition Reference.h:163
Contains the current state of a joint, a local space transformation relative to its parent joint.
Definition SkeletalAnimation.h:24
Resource that contains the joint hierarchy for a skeleton.
Definition Skeleton.h:18
Instance of a skeleton, contains the pose the current skeleton is in.
Definition SkeletonPose.h:18
Mat44 & GetJointMatrix(int inJoint)
Definition SkeletonPose.h:50
const Mat44Vector & GetJointMatrices() const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:47
const Skeleton * GetSkeleton() const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:29
JointStateVector & GetJoints()
Definition SkeletonPose.h:40
const JointStateVector & GetJoints() const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:39
void SetRootOffset(RVec3Arg inOffset)
Extra offset applied to the root (and therefore also to all of its children)
Definition SkeletonPose.h:33
JointState & GetJoint(int inJoint)
Definition SkeletonPose.h:42
const Mat44 & GetJointMatrix(int inJoint) const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:49
Mat44Vector & GetJointMatrices()
Definition SkeletonPose.h:48
RVec3 GetRootOffset() const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:34
uint GetJointCount() const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:38
const JointState & GetJoint(int inJoint) const
Definition SkeletonPose.h:41
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition Vec3.inl:103
Draw settings.
Definition SkeletonPose.h:65