A sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compound shape.
A sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compound shape.
Each sub shape knows how many bits it needs to encode its ID, so knows how many bits to take from the sub shape ID.
For example:
- We have a CompoundShape A with 5 child shapes (identify sub shape using 3 bits AAA)
- One of its child shapes is CompoundShape B which has 3 child shapes (identify sub shape using 2 bits BB)
- One of its child shapes is MeshShape C which contains enough triangles to need 7 bits to identify a triangle (identify sub shape using 7 bits CCCCCCC, note that MeshShape is block based and sorts triangles spatially, you can't assume that the first triangle will have bit pattern 0000000).
The bit pattern of the sub shape ID to identify a triangle in MeshShape C will then be CCCCCCCBBAAA.
A sub shape ID will become invalid when the structure of the shape changes. For example, if a child shape is removed from a compound shape, the sub shape ID will no longer be valid. This can be a problem when caching sub shape IDs from one frame to the next. See comments at ContactListener::OnContactPersisted / OnContactRemoved.