54 inline bool IsActive()
const {
return mMotionProperties !=
nullptr && mMotionProperties->mIndexInActiveBodies != cInactiveIndex; }
73 inline void SetIsSensor(
bool inIsSensor) {
if (inIsSensor) mFlags.fetch_or(
uint8(EFlags::IsSensor), memory_order_relaxed);
else mFlags.fetch_and(
uint8(EFlags::IsSensor)), memory_order_relaxed); }
76 inline bool IsSensor()
const {
return (mFlags.load(memory_order_relaxed) &
uint8(EFlags::IsSensor)) != 0; }
81 inline void SetCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic(
bool inCollide) {
if (inCollide) mFlags.fetch_or(
uint8(EFlags::CollideKinematicVsNonDynamic), memory_order_relaxed);
else mFlags.fetch_and(
uint8(EFlags::CollideKinematicVsNonDynamic)), memory_order_relaxed); }
90 inline void SetUseManifoldReduction(
bool inUseReduction) {
if (inUseReduction) mFlags.fetch_or(
uint8(EFlags::UseManifoldReduction), memory_order_relaxed);
else mFlags.fetch_and(
uint8(EFlags::UseManifoldReduction)), memory_order_relaxed); }
96 inline bool GetUseManifoldReductionWithBody(
const Body &inBody2)
const {
return ((mFlags.load(memory_order_relaxed) & inBody2.mFlags.load(memory_order_relaxed)) &
uint8(EFlags::UseManifoldReduction)) != 0; }
99 inline void SetApplyGyroscopicForce(
bool inApply) {
if (inApply) mFlags.fetch_or(
uint8(EFlags::ApplyGyroscopicForce), memory_order_relaxed);
else mFlags.fetch_and(
uint8(EFlags::ApplyGyroscopicForce)), memory_order_relaxed); }
132 void SetAllowSleeping(
bool inAllow);
135 inline void ResetSleepTimer();
201 inline Mat44 GetInverseInertia()
205 inline void AddImpulse(
Vec3Arg inImpulse);
213 inline void AddAngularImpulse(
Vec3Arg inAngularImpulse);
217 void MoveKinematic(
RVec3Arg inTargetPosition,
QuatArg inTargetRotation,
float inDeltaTime);
225 void GetSubmergedVolume(
RVec3Arg inSurfacePosition,
Vec3Arg inSurfaceNormal,
float &outTotalVolume,
float &outSubmergedVolume,
Vec3 &outRelativeCenterOfBuoyancy)
238 bool ApplyBuoyancyImpulse(
RVec3Arg inSurfacePosition,
Vec3Arg inSurfaceNormal,
float inBuoyancy,
float inLinearDrag,
float inAngularDrag,
Vec3Arg inFluidVelocity,
Vec3Arg inGravity,
float inDeltaTime);
252 bool ApplyBuoyancyImpulse(
float inTotalVolume,
float inSubmergedVolume,
Vec3Arg inRelativeCenterOfBuoyancy,
float inBuoyancy,
float inLinearDrag,
float inAngularDrag,
Vec3Arg inFluidVelocity,
Vec3Arg inGravity,
float inDeltaTime);
255 inline bool IsInBroadPhase()
const {
return (mFlags.load(memory_order_relaxed) &
uint8(EFlags::IsInBroadPhase)) != 0; }
264 inline RVec3 GetPosition()
const {
JPH_ASSERT(BodyAccess::sCheckRights(BodyAccess::sPositionAccess(), BodyAccess::EAccess::Read));
return mPosition - mRotation * mShape->GetCenterOfMass(); }
267 inline Quat GetRotation()
const {
JPH_ASSERT(BodyAccess::sCheckRights(BodyAccess::sPositionAccess(), BodyAccess::EAccess::Read));
return mRotation; }
270 inline RMat44 GetWorldTransform()
276 inline RMat44 GetCenterOfMassTransform()
279 inline RMat44 GetInverseCenterOfMassTransform()
316 static inline bool sFindCollidingPairsCanCollide(
const Body &inBody1,
const Body &inBody2);
319 inline void AddPositionStep(
Vec3Arg inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime) {
JPH_ASSERT(BodyAccess::sCheckRights(BodyAccess::sPositionAccess(), BodyAccess::EAccess::ReadWrite)); mPosition += mMotionProperties->LockTranslation(inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime);
JPH_ASSERT(!mPosition.IsNaN()); }
320 inline void SubPositionStep(
Vec3Arg inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime) {
JPH_ASSERT(BodyAccess::sCheckRights(BodyAccess::sPositionAccess(), BodyAccess::EAccess::ReadWrite)); mPosition -= mMotionProperties->LockTranslation(inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime);
JPH_ASSERT(!mPosition.IsNaN()); }
323 inline void AddRotationStep(
Vec3Arg inAngularVelocityTimesDeltaTime);
324 inline void SubRotationStep(
Vec3Arg inAngularVelocityTimesDeltaTime);
327 inline void SetInBroadPhaseInternal(
bool inInBroadPhase) {
if (inInBroadPhase) mFlags.fetch_or(
uint8(EFlags::IsInBroadPhase), memory_order_relaxed);
else mFlags.fetch_and(
uint8(EFlags::IsInBroadPhase)), memory_order_relaxed); }
336 void CalculateWorldSpaceBoundsInternal();
339 void SetPositionAndRotationInternal(
RVec3Arg inPosition,
QuatArg inRotation,
bool inResetSleepTimer =
344 void UpdateCenterOfMassInternal(
Vec3Arg inPreviousCenterOfMass,
bool inUpdateMassProperties);
349 void SetShapeInternal(
const Shape *inShape,
bool inUpdateMassProperties);
360 ECanSleep UpdateSleepStateInternal(
float inDeltaTime,
float inMaxMovement,
float inTimeBeforeSleep);
383 inline void GetSleepTestPoints(
RVec3 *outPoints)
385 enum class EFlags :
388 CollideKinematicVsNonDynamic = 1 << 1,
389 IsInBroadPhase = 1 << 2,
390 InvalidateContactCache = 1 << 3,
391 UseManifoldReduction = 1 << 4,
392 ApplyGyroscopicForce = 1 << 5,
393 EnhancedInternalEdgeRemoval = 1 << 6,
419 atomic<uint8> mFlags = 0;
Type of body.
Definition BodyType.h:11
@ RigidBody
Rigid body consisting of a rigid shape.
@ SoftBody
Soft body consisting of a deformable shape.
std::uint8_t uint8
Definition Core.h:482
std::uint64_t uint64
Definition Core.h:485
Definition Core.h:625
Definition Core.h:414
std::uint32_t uint32
Definition Core.h:484
Definition Core.h:275
Definition Core.h:559
Definition Core.h:408
Definition IssueReporting.h:35
#define JPH_ASSERT(...)
Definition IssueReporting.h:33
Macro to override the new and delete functions.
Definition Memory.h:31
Enum that determines if an object can go to sleep.
Definition MotionProperties.h:22
Motion type of a physics body.
Definition MotionType.h:11
@ Kinematic
Movable using velocities only, does not respond to forces.
@ Dynamic
Responds to forces as a normal physics object.
uint16 ObjectLayer
Definition ObjectLayer.h:16
Definition Real.h:34
Axis aligned box.
Definition AABox.h:16
Settings for constructing a rigid body.
Definition BodyCreationSettings.h:31
Vec3 GetPointVelocity(RVec3Arg inPoint) const
Velocity of point inPoint (in world space, e.g. on the surface of the body) of the body (unit: m/s)
Definition Body.h:171
bool IsInBroadPhase() const
Check if this body has been added to the physics system.
Definition Body.h:255
const MotionProperties * GetMotionProperties() const
Access to the motion properties.
Definition Body.h:285
RVec3 GetCenterOfMassPosition() const
Gets the world space position of this body's center of mass.
Definition Body.h:273
EMotionType GetMotionType() const
Get the bodies motion type.
Definition Body.h:114
void SetAngularVelocity(Vec3Arg inAngularVelocity)
Definition Body.h:161
void SetCollisionGroup(const CollisionGroup &inGroup)
Definition Body.h:128
Vec3 GetPointVelocityCOM(Vec3Arg inPointRelativeToCOM) const
Velocity of point inPoint (in center of mass space, e.g. on the surface of the body) of the body (uni...
Definition Body.h:168
bool IsDynamic() const
Check if this body is dynamic, which means that it moves and forces can act on it.
Definition Body.h:63
bool GetAllowSleeping() const
If this body can go to sleep. Note that disabling sleeping on a sleeping object will not wake it up.
Definition Body.h:131
bool IsSensor() const
Check if this body is a sensor.
Definition Body.h:76
bool GetEnhancedInternalEdgeRemovalWithBody(const Body &inBody2) const
Checks if the combination of this body and inBody2 should use enhanced internal edge removal.
Definition Body.h:111
const AABox & GetWorldSpaceBounds() const
Get world space bounding box.
Definition Body.h:282
void SubPositionStep(Vec3Arg inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime)
Definition Body.h:320
void SetUserData(uint64 inUserData)
Definition Body.h:294
bool IsSoftBody() const
Check if this body is a soft body.
Definition Body.h:49
const Shape * GetShape() const
Get the shape of this body.
Definition Body.h:261
bool InvalidateContactCacheInternal()
Invalidate the contact cache (should only be called by the BodyManager), will be reset the next simul...
Definition Body.h:330
uint64 GetUserData() const
Access to the user data, can be used for anything by the application.
Definition Body.h:293
BroadPhaseLayer GetBroadPhaseLayer() const
Get broadphase layer, this determines in which broad phase sub-tree the object is placed.
Definition Body.h:120
float GetRestitution() const
Restitution (dimensionless number, usually between 0 and 1, 0 = completely inelastic collision respon...
Definition Body.h:142
const CollisionGroup & GetCollisionGroup() const
Collision group and sub-group ID, determines which other objects it collides with.
Definition Body.h:126
void SetIsSensor(bool inIsSensor)
Definition Body.h:73
void SetLinearVelocityClamped(Vec3Arg inLinearVelocity)
Definition Body.h:154
JPH_TSAN_NO_SANITIZE uint32 GetIndexInActiveBodiesInternal() const
Access to the index in the BodyManager::mActiveBodies list.
Definition Body.h:357
bool GetUseManifoldReductionWithBody(const Body &inBody2) const
Checks if the combination of this body and inBody2 should use manifold reduction.
Definition Body.h:96
void SetLinearVelocity(Vec3Arg inLinearVelocity)
Definition Body.h:150
Vec3 GetLinearVelocity() const
Get world space linear velocity of the center of mass (unit: m/s)
Definition Body.h:146
ObjectLayer GetObjectLayer() const
Get object layer, this determines which other objects it collides with.
Definition Body.h:123
void SetRestitution(float inRestitution)
Definition Body.h:143
bool IsCollisionCacheInvalid() const
Check if this body has been changed in such a way that the collision cache should be considered inval...
Definition Body.h:258
bool IsRigidBody() const
Check if this body is a rigid body.
Definition Body.h:46
bool IsStatic() const
Check if this body is static (not movable)
Definition Body.h:57
EBodyType GetBodyType() const
Get the type of body (rigid or soft)
Definition Body.h:43
void SetEnhancedInternalEdgeRemoval(bool inApply)
Set to indicate that extra effort should be made to try to remove ghost contacts (collisions with int...
Definition Body.h:105
bool GetCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic() const
Check if kinematic objects can generate contact points against other kinematic or static objects.
Definition Body.h:84
void SetUseManifoldReduction(bool inUseReduction)
Definition Body.h:90
static Body sFixedToWorld
A dummy body that can be used by constraints to attach a constraint to the world instead of another b...
Definition Body.h:309
void SetAngularVelocityClamped(Vec3Arg inAngularVelocity)
Definition Body.h:165
JPH_INLINE void ResetForce()
Definition Body.h:192
Vec3 GetAccumulatedTorque() const
Definition Body.h:189
bool CanBeKinematicOrDynamic() const
Check if a body could be made kinematic or dynamic (if it was created dynamic or with mAllowDynamicOr...
Definition Body.h:66
bool GetEnhancedInternalEdgeRemoval() const
Check if enhanced internal edge removal is turned on.
Definition Body.h:108
JPH_TSAN_NO_SANITIZE bool IsActive() const
If this body is currently actively simulating (true) or sleeping (false)
Definition Body.h:54
void SetInBroadPhaseInternal(bool inInBroadPhase)
Flag if body is in the broadphase (should only be called by the BroadPhase)
Definition Body.h:327
MotionProperties * GetMotionProperties()
Definition Body.h:286
Quat GetRotation() const
World space rotation of the body.
Definition Body.h:267
TransformedShape GetTransformedShape() const
Get the transformed shape of this body, which can be used to do collision detection outside of a body...
Definition Body.h:300
JPH_INLINE void ResetTorque()
Definition Body.h:195
bool IsKinematic() const
Check if this body is kinematic (keyframed), which means that it will move according to its current v...
Definition Body.h:60
float GetFriction() const
Friction (dimensionless number, usually between 0 and 1, 0 = no friction, 1 = friction force equals f...
Definition Body.h:138
const MotionProperties * GetMotionPropertiesUnchecked() const
Access to the motion properties (version that does not check if the object is kinematic or dynamic)
Definition Body.h:289
CollisionGroup & GetCollisionGroup()
Definition Body.h:127
void SetApplyGyroscopicForce(bool inApply)
Set to indicate that the gyroscopic force should be applied to this body (aka Dzhanibekov effect,...
Definition Body.h:99
JPH_OVERRIDE_NEW_DELETE const BodyID & GetID() const
Get the id of this body.
Definition Body.h:40
MotionProperties * GetMotionPropertiesUnchecked()
Definition Body.h:290
Vec3 GetAccumulatedForce() const
Definition Body.h:186
Vec3 GetAngularVelocity() const
Get world space angular velocity of the center of mass (unit: rad/s)
Definition Body.h:157
RVec3 GetPosition() const
World space position of the body.
Definition Body.h:264
void AddForce(Vec3Arg inForce)
Definition Body.h:175
void SetCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic(bool inCollide)
Definition Body.h:81
bool GetUseManifoldReduction() const
Check if this body can use manifold reduction.
Definition Body.h:93
JPH_INLINE void ResetMotion()
Definition Body.h:198
void AddTorque(Vec3Arg inTorque)
Definition Body.h:183
void ValidateContactCacheInternal()
Reset the collision cache invalid flag (should only be called by the BodyManager).
Definition Body.h:333
void SetFriction(float inFriction)
Definition Body.h:139
bool GetApplyGyroscopicForce() const
Check if the gyroscopic force is being applied for this body.
Definition Body.h:102
void AddPositionStep(Vec3Arg inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime)
Update position using an Euler step (used during position integrate & constraint solving)
Definition Body.h:319
ID of a body. This is a way of reasoning about bodies in a multithreaded simulation while avoiding ra...
Definition BodyID.h:13
Class that contains all bodies.
Definition BodyManager.h:44
Definition BodyManager.cpp:52
Definition BroadPhaseLayer.h:18
Definition CollisionGroup.h:20
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix.
Definition Mat44.h:13
The Body class only keeps track of state for static bodies, the MotionProperties class keeps the addi...
Definition MotionProperties.h:29
static constexpr uint32 cInactiveIndex
Constant indicating that body is not active.
Definition MotionProperties.h:233
Class that makes another class non-copyable. Usage: Inherit from NonCopyable.
Definition NonCopyable.h:11
Definition Reference.h:163
Base class for all shapes (collision volume of a body). Defines a virtual interface for collision det...
Definition Shape.h:186
Definition SoftBodyCreationSettings.h:18
Definition BodyManager.cpp:61
Definition StateRecorder.h:110
A sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compou...
Definition SubShapeID.h:23
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition Vec3.inl:103
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sLoadFloat3Unsafe(const Float3 &inV)
Load 3 floats from memory (reads 32 bits extra which it doesn't use)
Definition Vec3.inl:130