Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
NarrowPhaseQuery Class Reference

#include <NarrowPhaseQuery.h>

Inheritance diagram for NarrowPhaseQuery:

Public Member Functions

void Init (BodyLockInterface &inBodyLockInterface, BroadPhaseQuery &inBroadPhaseQuery)
 Initialize the interface (should only be called by PhysicsSystem)
bool CastRay (const RRayCast &inRay, RayCastResult &ioHit, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }) const
void CastRay (const RRayCast &inRay, const RayCastSettings &inRayCastSettings, CastRayCollector &ioCollector, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const
void CollidePoint (RVec3Arg inPoint, CollidePointCollector &ioCollector, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const
void CollideShape (const Shape *inShape, Vec3Arg inShapeScale, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, const CollideShapeSettings &inCollideShapeSettings, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset, CollideShapeCollector &ioCollector, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const
void CollideShapeWithInternalEdgeRemoval (const Shape *inShape, Vec3Arg inShapeScale, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, const CollideShapeSettings &inCollideShapeSettings, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset, CollideShapeCollector &ioCollector, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const
 Same as CollideShape, but uses InternalEdgeRemovingCollector to remove internal edges from the collision results (a.k.a. ghost collisions)
void CastShape (const RShapeCast &inShapeCast, const ShapeCastSettings &inShapeCastSettings, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset, CastShapeCollector &ioCollector, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const
void CollectTransformedShapes (const AABox &inBox, TransformedShapeCollector &ioCollector, const BroadPhaseLayerFilter &inBroadPhaseLayerFilter={ }, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter={ }, const BodyFilter &inBodyFilter={ }, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const
 Collect all leaf transformed shapes that fall inside world space box inBox.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NonCopyable
 NonCopyable ()=default
 NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete
void operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete

Detailed Description

Class that provides an interface for doing precise collision detection against the broad and then the narrow phase. Unlike a BroadPhaseQuery, the NarrowPhaseQuery will test against shapes and will return collision information against triangles, spheres etc.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CastRay() [1/2]

void NarrowPhaseQuery::CastRay ( const RRayCast & inRay,
const RayCastSettings & inRayCastSettings,
CastRayCollector & ioCollector,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { },
const ShapeFilter & inShapeFilter = { } ) const

Cast a ray, allows collecting multiple hits. Note that this version is more flexible but also slightly slower than the CastRay function that returns only a single hit. If you want the surface normal of the hit use Body::GetWorldSpaceSurfaceNormal(collected sub shape ID, inRay.GetPointOnRay(collected fraction)) on body with collected body ID.

◆ CastRay() [2/2]

JPH_NAMESPACE_BEGIN bool NarrowPhaseQuery::CastRay ( const RRayCast & inRay,
RayCastResult & ioHit,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { } ) const

Cast a ray and find the closest hit. Returns true if it finds a hit. Hits further than ioHit.mFraction will not be considered and in this case ioHit will remain unmodified (and the function will return false). Convex objects will be treated as solid (meaning if the ray starts inside, you'll get a hit fraction of 0) and back face hits against triangles are returned. If you want the surface normal of the hit use Body::GetWorldSpaceSurfaceNormal(ioHit.mSubShapeID2, inRay.GetPointOnRay(ioHit.mFraction)) on body with ID ioHit.mBodyID.

◆ CastShape()

void NarrowPhaseQuery::CastShape ( const RShapeCast & inShapeCast,
const ShapeCastSettings & inShapeCastSettings,
RVec3Arg inBaseOffset,
CastShapeCollector & ioCollector,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { },
const ShapeFilter & inShapeFilter = { } ) const

Cast a shape and report any hits to ioCollector

inShapeCastThe shape cast and its position and direction
inShapeCastSettingsSettings for the shape cast
inBaseOffsetAll hit results will be returned relative to this offset, can be zero to get results in world position, but when you're testing far from the origin you get better precision by picking a position that's closer e.g. inShapeCast.mCenterOfMassStart.GetTranslation() since floats are most accurate near the origin
ioCollectorCollector that receives the hits
inBroadPhaseLayerFilterFilter that filters at broadphase level
inObjectLayerFilterFilter that filters at layer level
inBodyFilterFilter that filters at body level
inShapeFilterFilter that filters at shape level

◆ CollectTransformedShapes()

void NarrowPhaseQuery::CollectTransformedShapes ( const AABox & inBox,
TransformedShapeCollector & ioCollector,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { },
const ShapeFilter & inShapeFilter = { } ) const

Collect all leaf transformed shapes that fall inside world space box inBox.

◆ CollidePoint()

void NarrowPhaseQuery::CollidePoint ( RVec3Arg inPoint,
CollidePointCollector & ioCollector,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { },
const ShapeFilter & inShapeFilter = { } ) const

Check if inPoint is inside any shapes. For this tests all shapes are treated as if they were solid. For a mesh shape, this test will only provide sensible information if the mesh is a closed manifold. For each shape that collides, ioCollector will receive a hit

◆ CollideShape()

void NarrowPhaseQuery::CollideShape ( const Shape * inShape,
Vec3Arg inShapeScale,
RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform,
const CollideShapeSettings & inCollideShapeSettings,
RVec3Arg inBaseOffset,
CollideShapeCollector & ioCollector,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { },
const ShapeFilter & inShapeFilter = { } ) const

Collide a shape with the system

inShapeShape to test
inShapeScaleScale in local space of shape
inCenterOfMassTransformCenter of mass transform for the shape
inBaseOffsetAll hit results will be returned relative to this offset, can be zero to get results in world position, but when you're testing far from the origin you get better precision by picking a position that's closer e.g. inCenterOfMassTransform.GetTranslation() since floats are most accurate near the origin
ioCollectorCollector that receives the hits
inBroadPhaseLayerFilterFilter that filters at broadphase level
inObjectLayerFilterFilter that filters at layer level
inBodyFilterFilter that filters at body level
inShapeFilterFilter that filters at shape level

◆ CollideShapeWithInternalEdgeRemoval()

void NarrowPhaseQuery::CollideShapeWithInternalEdgeRemoval ( const Shape * inShape,
Vec3Arg inShapeScale,
RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform,
const CollideShapeSettings & inCollideShapeSettings,
RVec3Arg inBaseOffset,
CollideShapeCollector & ioCollector,
const BroadPhaseLayerFilter & inBroadPhaseLayerFilter = { },
const ObjectLayerFilter & inObjectLayerFilter = { },
const BodyFilter & inBodyFilter = { },
const ShapeFilter & inShapeFilter = { } ) const

Same as CollideShape, but uses InternalEdgeRemovingCollector to remove internal edges from the collision results (a.k.a. ghost collisions)

◆ Init()

void NarrowPhaseQuery::Init ( BodyLockInterface & inBodyLockInterface,
BroadPhaseQuery & inBroadPhaseQuery )

Initialize the interface (should only be called by PhysicsSystem)

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