Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
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1// Jolt Physics Library (
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Jorrit Rouwe
3// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5#pragma once
15class JPH_EXPORT SoftBodyShape final : public Shape
24 uint GetSubShapeIDBits() const;
27 uint32 GetFaceIndex(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const;
29 // See Shape
30 virtual bool MustBeStatic() const override { return false; }
31 virtual Vec3 GetCenterOfMass() const override { return Vec3::sZero(); }
32 virtual AABox GetLocalBounds() const override;
33 virtual uint GetSubShapeIDBitsRecursive() const override { return GetSubShapeIDBits(); }
34 virtual float GetInnerRadius() const override { return 0.0f; }
35 virtual MassProperties GetMassProperties() const override { return MassProperties(); }
36 virtual const PhysicsMaterial * GetMaterial(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const override;
37 virtual Vec3 GetSurfaceNormal(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inLocalSurfacePosition) const override;
38 virtual void GetSupportingFace(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inDirection, Vec3Arg inScale, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, SupportingFace &outVertices) const override;
39 virtual void GetSubmergedVolume(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const Plane &inSurface, float &outTotalVolume, float &outSubmergedVolume, Vec3 &outCenterOfBuoyancy
40#ifdef JPH_DEBUG_RENDERER // Not using JPH_IF_DEBUG_RENDERER for Doxygen
41 , RVec3Arg inBaseOffset
43 ) const override;
45 virtual void Draw(DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, ColorArg inColor, bool inUseMaterialColors, bool inDrawWireframe) const override;
47 virtual bool CastRay(const RayCast &inRay, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, RayCastResult &ioHit) const override;
48 virtual void CastRay(const RayCast &inRay, const RayCastSettings &inRayCastSettings, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, CastRayCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter = { }) const override;
49 virtual void CollidePoint(Vec3Arg inPoint, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, CollidePointCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter = { }) const override;
50 virtual void CollideSoftBodyVertices(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator &inVertices, uint inNumVertices, int inCollidingShapeIndex) const override;
51 virtual void GetTrianglesStart(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, const AABox &inBox, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale) const override;
52 virtual int GetTrianglesNext(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, int inMaxTrianglesRequested, Float3 *outTriangleVertices, const PhysicsMaterial **outMaterials = nullptr) const override;
53 virtual Stats GetStats() const override;
54 virtual float GetVolume() const override;
56 // Register shape functions with the registry
57 static void sRegister();
60 // Helper functions called by CollisionDispatch
61 static void sCollideConvexVsSoftBody(const Shape *inShape1, const Shape *inShape2, Vec3Arg inScale1, Vec3Arg inScale2, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform1, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform2, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator1, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator2, const CollideShapeSettings &inCollideShapeSettings, CollideShapeCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter);
62 static void sCollideSphereVsSoftBody(const Shape *inShape1, const Shape *inShape2, Vec3Arg inScale1, Vec3Arg inScale2, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform1, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform2, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator1, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator2, const CollideShapeSettings &inCollideShapeSettings, CollideShapeCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter);
63 static void sCastConvexVsSoftBody(const ShapeCast &inShapeCast, const ShapeCastSettings &inShapeCastSettings, const Shape *inShape, Vec3Arg inScale, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform2, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator1, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator2, CastShapeCollector &ioCollector);
64 static void sCastSphereVsSoftBody(const ShapeCast &inShapeCast, const ShapeCastSettings &inShapeCastSettings, const Shape *inShape, Vec3Arg inScale, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform2, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator1, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator2, CastShapeCollector &ioCollector);
66 struct SBSGetTrianglesContext;
68 friend class BodyManager;
70 const SoftBodyMotionProperties *mSoftBodyMotionProperties;
@ SoftBody
Soft body consisting of a deformable shape.
#define JPH_EXPORT
Definition Core.h:236
unsigned int uint
Definition Core.h:452
Definition Core.h:378
std::uint32_t uint32
Definition Core.h:455
Definition Core.h:372
Macro to override the new and delete functions.
Definition Memory.h:31
This enumerates all shape types, each shape can return its type through Shape::GetSubType.
Definition Shape.h:77
Shapes are categorized in groups, each shape can return which group it belongs to through its Shape::...
Definition Shape.h:57
Axis aligned box.
Definition AABox.h:16
Class that contains all bodies.
Definition BodyManager.h:44
Settings to be passed with a collision query.
Definition CollideShape.h:94
Definition CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator.h:15
Virtual interface that allows collecting multiple collision results.
Definition CollisionCollector.h:45
Class that holds an RGBA color with 8-bits per component.
Definition Color.h:16
Definition DebugRenderer.h:47
Class that holds 3 floats. Used as a storage class. Convert to Vec3 for calculations.
Definition Float3.h:13
Describes the mass and inertia properties of a body. Used during body construction only.
Definition MassProperties.h:16
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix.
Definition Mat44.h:13
Definition PhysicsMaterial.h:23
An infinite plane described by the formula X . Normal + Constant = 0.
Definition Plane.h:11
Definition Quat.h:33
Specialization of cast result against a shape.
Definition CastResult.h:30
Settings to be passed with a ray cast.
Definition RayCast.h:70
Settings to be passed with a shape cast.
Definition ShapeCast.h:92
Filter class.
Definition ShapeFilter.h:17
Base class for all shapes (collision volume of a body). Defines a virtual interface for collision det...
Definition Shape.h:186
virtual float GetVolume() const =0
virtual AABox GetLocalBounds() const =0
Get local bounding box including convex radius, this box is centered around the center of mass rather...
virtual int GetTrianglesNext(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, int inMaxTrianglesRequested, Float3 *outTriangleVertices, const PhysicsMaterial **outMaterials=nullptr) const =0
virtual void GetSupportingFace(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inDirection, Vec3Arg inScale, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, SupportingFace &outVertices) const
Definition Shape.h:266
virtual void GetTrianglesStart(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, const AABox &inBox, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale) const =0
virtual const PhysicsMaterial * GetMaterial(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const =0
Get the material assigned to a particular sub shape ID.
virtual Stats GetStats() const =0
Get stats of this shape. Use for logging / data collection purposes only. Does not add values from ch...
virtual bool CastRay(const RayCast &inRay, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, RayCastResult &ioHit) const =0
virtual void GetSubmergedVolume(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const Plane &inSurface, float &outTotalVolume, float &outSubmergedVolume, Vec3 &outCenterOfBuoyancy, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset) const =0
virtual void CollideSoftBodyVertices(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator &inVertices, uint inNumVertices, int inCollidingShapeIndex) const =0
virtual Vec3 GetSurfaceNormal(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inLocalSurfacePosition) const =0
virtual void Draw(DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, ColorArg inColor, bool inUseMaterialColors, bool inDrawWireframe) const =0
Draw the shape at a particular location with a particular color (debugging purposes)
virtual void CollidePoint(Vec3Arg inPoint, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, CollidePointCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const =0
This class contains the runtime information of a soft body.
Definition SoftBodyMotionProperties.h:34
Shape used exclusively for soft bodies. Adds the ability to perform collision checks against soft bod...
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:16
virtual uint GetSubShapeIDBitsRecursive() const override
Get the max number of sub shape ID bits that are needed to be able to address any leaf shape in this ...
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:33
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:21
virtual float GetInnerRadius() const override
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:34
virtual bool MustBeStatic() const override
Check if this shape can only be used to create a static body or if it can also be dynamic/kinematic.
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:30
virtual MassProperties GetMassProperties() const override
Calculate the mass and inertia of this shape.
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:35
virtual Vec3 GetCenterOfMass() const override
All shapes are centered around their center of mass. This function returns the center of mass positio...
Definition SoftBodyShape.h:31
Definition SubShapeID.h:108
A sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compou...
Definition SubShapeID.h:23
Definition Vec3.h:17
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition Vec3.inl:107
Definition RayCast.h:47
Definition ShapeCast.h:69