Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
QuadTree Class Reference

#include <QuadTree.h>

Inheritance diagram for QuadTree:


struct  AddState
 Temporary data structure to pass information between AddBodiesPrepare and AddBodiesFinalize/Abort. More...
struct  Tracking
 Data to track location of a Body in the tree. More...
struct  UpdateState

Public Types

using Allocator = FixedSizeFreeList< Node >
 Class that allocates tree nodes, can be shared between multiple trees. More...
using TrackingVector = Array< Tracking >

Public Member Functions

 ~QuadTree ()
 Destructor. More...
void SetName (const char *inName)
 Name of the tree for debugging purposes. More...
const char * GetName () const
bool HasBodies () const
 Check if there is anything in the tree. More...
bool IsDirty () const
 Check if the tree needs an UpdatePrepare/Finalize() More...
bool CanBeUpdated () const
 Check if this tree can get an UpdatePrepare/Finalize() or if it needs a DiscardOldTree() first. More...
void Init (Allocator &inAllocator)
 Initialization. More...
void DiscardOldTree ()
 Will throw away the previous frame's nodes so that we can start building a new tree in the background. More...
AABox GetBounds () const
 Get the bounding box for this tree. More...
void UpdatePrepare (const BodyVector &inBodies, TrackingVector &ioTracking, UpdateState &outUpdateState, bool inFullRebuild)
void UpdateFinalize (const BodyVector &inBodies, const TrackingVector &inTracking, const UpdateState &inUpdateState)
void AddBodiesPrepare (const BodyVector &inBodies, TrackingVector &ioTracking, BodyID *ioBodyIDs, int inNumber, AddState &outState)
void AddBodiesFinalize (TrackingVector &ioTracking, int inNumberBodies, const AddState &inState)
 Finalize adding bodies to the quadtree, supply the same number of bodies as in AddBodiesPrepare. More...
void AddBodiesAbort (TrackingVector &ioTracking, const AddState &inState)
void RemoveBodies (const BodyVector &inBodies, TrackingVector &ioTracking, const BodyID *ioBodyIDs, int inNumber)
 Remove inNumber bodies in ioBodyIDs from the quadtree. More...
void NotifyBodiesAABBChanged (const BodyVector &inBodies, const TrackingVector &inTracking, const BodyID *ioBodyIDs, int inNumber)
 Call whenever the aabb of a body changes. More...
void CastRay (const RayCast &inRay, RayCastBodyCollector &ioCollector, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter, const TrackingVector &inTracking) const
 Cast a ray and get the intersecting bodies in ioCollector. More...
void CollideAABox (const AABox &inBox, CollideShapeBodyCollector &ioCollector, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter, const TrackingVector &inTracking) const
 Get bodies intersecting with inBox in ioCollector. More...
void CollideSphere (Vec3Arg inCenter, float inRadius, CollideShapeBodyCollector &ioCollector, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter, const TrackingVector &inTracking) const
 Get bodies intersecting with a sphere in ioCollector. More...
void CollidePoint (Vec3Arg inPoint, CollideShapeBodyCollector &ioCollector, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter, const TrackingVector &inTracking) const
 Get bodies intersecting with a point and any hits to ioCollector. More...
void CollideOrientedBox (const OrientedBox &inBox, CollideShapeBodyCollector &ioCollector, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter, const TrackingVector &inTracking) const
 Get bodies intersecting with an oriented box and any hits to ioCollector. More...
void CastAABox (const AABoxCast &inBox, CastShapeBodyCollector &ioCollector, const ObjectLayerFilter &inObjectLayerFilter, const TrackingVector &inTracking) const
 Cast a box and get intersecting bodies in ioCollector. More...
void FindCollidingPairs (const BodyVector &inBodies, const BodyID *inActiveBodies, int inNumActiveBodies, float inSpeculativeContactDistance, BodyPairCollector &ioPairCollector, const ObjectLayerPairFilter &inObjectLayerPairFilter) const
 Find all colliding pairs between dynamic bodies, calls ioPairCollector for every pair found. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NonCopyable
 NonCopyable ()=default
 NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete
void operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete

Detailed Description

Internal tree structure in broadphase, is essentially a quad AABB tree. Tree is lockless (except for UpdatePrepare/Finalize() function), modifying objects in the tree will widen the aabbs of parent nodes to make the node fit. During the UpdatePrepare/Finalize() call the tree is rebuilt to achieve a tight fit again.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Allocator

Class that allocates tree nodes, can be shared between multiple trees.

◆ TrackingVector

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~QuadTree()

QuadTree::~QuadTree ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBodiesAbort()

void QuadTree::AddBodiesAbort ( TrackingVector ioTracking,
const AddState inState 

Abort adding bodies to the quadtree, supply the same bodies and state as in AddBodiesPrepare. This can be done on a background thread without influencing the broadphase.

◆ AddBodiesFinalize()

void QuadTree::AddBodiesFinalize ( TrackingVector ioTracking,
int  inNumberBodies,
const AddState inState 

Finalize adding bodies to the quadtree, supply the same number of bodies as in AddBodiesPrepare.

◆ AddBodiesPrepare()

void QuadTree::AddBodiesPrepare ( const BodyVector inBodies,
TrackingVector ioTracking,
BodyID ioBodyIDs,
int  inNumber,
AddState outState 

Prepare adding inNumber bodies at ioBodyIDs to the quad tree, returns the state in outState that should be used in AddBodiesFinalize. This can be done on a background thread without influencing the broadphase. ioBodyIDs may be shuffled around by this function.

◆ CanBeUpdated()

bool QuadTree::CanBeUpdated ( ) const

Check if this tree can get an UpdatePrepare/Finalize() or if it needs a DiscardOldTree() first.

◆ CastAABox()

void QuadTree::CastAABox ( const AABoxCast inBox,
CastShapeBodyCollector ioCollector,
const ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter,
const TrackingVector inTracking 
) const

Cast a box and get intersecting bodies in ioCollector.


Returns true if further processing of the tree should be aborted

Returns true if this node / body should be visited, false if no hit can be generated

Visit nodes, returns number of hits found and sorts ioChildNodeIDs so that they are at the beginning of the vector.

Visit a body, returns false if the algorithm should terminate because no hits can be generated anymore

◆ CastRay()

void QuadTree::CastRay ( const RayCast inRay,
RayCastBodyCollector ioCollector,
const ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter,
const TrackingVector inTracking 
) const

Cast a ray and get the intersecting bodies in ioCollector.


Returns true if further processing of the tree should be aborted

Returns true if this node / body should be visited, false if no hit can be generated

Visit nodes, returns number of hits found and sorts ioChildNodeIDs so that they are at the beginning of the vector.

Visit a body, returns false if the algorithm should terminate because no hits can be generated anymore

◆ CollideAABox()

void QuadTree::CollideAABox ( const AABox inBox,
CollideShapeBodyCollector ioCollector,
const ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter,
const TrackingVector inTracking 
) const

Get bodies intersecting with inBox in ioCollector.


Returns true if further processing of the tree should be aborted

Returns true if this node / body should be visited, false if no hit can be generated

Visit nodes, returns number of hits found and sorts ioChildNodeIDs so that they are at the beginning of the vector.

Visit a body, returns false if the algorithm should terminate because no hits can be generated anymore

◆ CollideOrientedBox()

void QuadTree::CollideOrientedBox ( const OrientedBox inBox,
CollideShapeBodyCollector ioCollector,
const ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter,
const TrackingVector inTracking 
) const

Get bodies intersecting with an oriented box and any hits to ioCollector.


Returns true if further processing of the tree should be aborted

Returns true if this node / body should be visited, false if no hit can be generated

Visit nodes, returns number of hits found and sorts ioChildNodeIDs so that they are at the beginning of the vector.

Visit a body, returns false if the algorithm should terminate because no hits can be generated anymore

◆ CollidePoint()

void QuadTree::CollidePoint ( Vec3Arg  inPoint,
CollideShapeBodyCollector ioCollector,
const ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter,
const TrackingVector inTracking 
) const

Get bodies intersecting with a point and any hits to ioCollector.


Returns true if further processing of the tree should be aborted

Returns true if this node / body should be visited, false if no hit can be generated

Visit nodes, returns number of hits found and sorts ioChildNodeIDs so that they are at the beginning of the vector.

Visit a body, returns false if the algorithm should terminate because no hits can be generated anymore

◆ CollideSphere()

void QuadTree::CollideSphere ( Vec3Arg  inCenter,
float  inRadius,
CollideShapeBodyCollector ioCollector,
const ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter,
const TrackingVector inTracking 
) const

Get bodies intersecting with a sphere in ioCollector.


Returns true if further processing of the tree should be aborted

Returns true if this node / body should be visited, false if no hit can be generated

Visit nodes, returns number of hits found and sorts ioChildNodeIDs so that they are at the beginning of the vector.

Visit a body, returns false if the algorithm should terminate because no hits can be generated anymore

◆ DiscardOldTree()

void QuadTree::DiscardOldTree ( )

Will throw away the previous frame's nodes so that we can start building a new tree in the background.

◆ FindCollidingPairs()

void QuadTree::FindCollidingPairs ( const BodyVector inBodies,
const BodyID inActiveBodies,
int  inNumActiveBodies,
float  inSpeculativeContactDistance,
BodyPairCollector ioPairCollector,
const ObjectLayerPairFilter inObjectLayerPairFilter 
) const

Find all colliding pairs between dynamic bodies, calls ioPairCollector for every pair found.

◆ GetBounds()

AABox QuadTree::GetBounds ( ) const

Get the bounding box for this tree.

◆ GetName()

const char * QuadTree::GetName ( ) const

◆ HasBodies()

bool QuadTree::HasBodies ( ) const

Check if there is anything in the tree.

◆ Init()

void QuadTree::Init ( Allocator inAllocator)


◆ IsDirty()

bool QuadTree::IsDirty ( ) const

Check if the tree needs an UpdatePrepare/Finalize()

◆ NotifyBodiesAABBChanged()

void QuadTree::NotifyBodiesAABBChanged ( const BodyVector inBodies,
const TrackingVector inTracking,
const BodyID ioBodyIDs,
int  inNumber 

Call whenever the aabb of a body changes.

◆ RemoveBodies()

void QuadTree::RemoveBodies ( const BodyVector inBodies,
TrackingVector ioTracking,
const BodyID ioBodyIDs,
int  inNumber 

Remove inNumber bodies in ioBodyIDs from the quadtree.

◆ SetName()

void QuadTree::SetName ( const char *  inName)

Name of the tree for debugging purposes.

◆ UpdateFinalize()

void QuadTree::UpdateFinalize ( const BodyVector inBodies,
const TrackingVector inTracking,
const UpdateState inUpdateState 

◆ UpdatePrepare()

void QuadTree::UpdatePrepare ( const BodyVector inBodies,
TrackingVector ioTracking,
UpdateState outUpdateState,
bool  inFullRebuild 

Update the broadphase, needs to be called regularly to achieve a tight fit of the tree when bodies have been modified. UpdatePrepare() will build the tree, UpdateFinalize() will lock the root of the tree shortly and swap the trees and afterwards clean up temporary data structures.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: