Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
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RagdollSettings::Part Class Reference

A single rigid body sub part of the ragdoll. More...

#include <Ragdoll.h>

Inheritance diagram for RagdollSettings::Part:

Public Attributes

Ref< TwoBodyConstraintSettingsmToParent
- Public Attributes inherited from BodyCreationSettings
RVec3 mPosition = RVec3::sZero()
 Position of the body (not of the center of mass) More...
Quat mRotation = Quat::sIdentity()
 Rotation of the body. More...
Vec3 mLinearVelocity = Vec3::sZero()
 World space linear velocity of the center of mass (m/s) More...
Vec3 mAngularVelocity = Vec3::sZero()
 World space angular velocity (rad/s) More...
uint64 mUserData = 0
 User data value (can be used by application) More...
ObjectLayer mObjectLayer = 0
 The collision layer this body belongs to (determines if two objects can collide) More...
CollisionGroup mCollisionGroup
 The collision group this body belongs to (determines if two objects can collide) More...
EMotionType mMotionType = EMotionType::Dynamic
 Motion type, determines if the object is static, dynamic or kinematic. More...
EAllowedDOFs mAllowedDOFs = EAllowedDOFs::All
 Which degrees of freedom this body has (can be used to limit simulation to 2D) More...
bool mAllowDynamicOrKinematic = false
 When this body is created as static, this setting tells the system to create a MotionProperties object so that the object can be switched to kinematic or dynamic. More...
bool mIsSensor = false
 If this body is a sensor. A sensor will receive collision callbacks, but will not cause any collision responses and can be used as a trigger volume. See description at Body::SetIsSensor. More...
bool mCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic = false
 If kinematic objects can generate contact points against other kinematic or static objects. See description at Body::SetCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic. More...
bool mUseManifoldReduction = true
 If this body should use manifold reduction (see description at Body::SetUseManifoldReduction) More...
bool mApplyGyroscopicForce = false
 Set to indicate that the gyroscopic force should be applied to this body (aka Dzhanibekov effect, see More...
EMotionQuality mMotionQuality = EMotionQuality::Discrete
 Motion quality, or how well it detects collisions when it has a high velocity. More...
bool mEnhancedInternalEdgeRemoval = false
 Set to indicate that extra effort should be made to try to remove ghost contacts (collisions with internal edges of a mesh). This is more expensive but makes bodies move smoother over a mesh with convex edges. More...
bool mAllowSleeping = true
 If this body can go to sleep or not. More...
float mFriction = 0.2f
 Friction of the body (dimensionless number, usually between 0 and 1, 0 = no friction, 1 = friction force equals force that presses the two bodies together). Note that bodies can have negative friction but the combined friction (see PhysicsSystem::SetCombineFriction) should never go below zero. More...
float mRestitution = 0.0f
 Restitution of body (dimensionless number, usually between 0 and 1, 0 = completely inelastic collision response, 1 = completely elastic collision response). Note that bodies can have negative restitution but the combined restitution (see PhysicsSystem::SetCombineRestitution) should never go below zero. More...
float mLinearDamping = 0.05f
 Linear damping: dv/dt = -c * v. c must be between 0 and 1 but is usually close to 0. More...
float mAngularDamping = 0.05f
 Angular damping: dw/dt = -c * w. c must be between 0 and 1 but is usually close to 0. More...
float mMaxLinearVelocity = 500.0f
 Maximum linear velocity that this body can reach (m/s) More...
float mMaxAngularVelocity = 0.25f * JPH_PI * 60.0f
 Maximum angular velocity that this body can reach (rad/s) More...
float mGravityFactor = 1.0f
 Value to multiply gravity with for this body. More...
uint mNumVelocityStepsOverride = 0
 Used only when this body is dynamic and colliding. Override for the number of solver velocity iterations to run, 0 means use the default in PhysicsSettings::mNumVelocitySteps. The number of iterations to use is the max of all contacts and constraints in the island. More...
uint mNumPositionStepsOverride = 0
 Used only when this body is dynamic and colliding. Override for the number of solver position iterations to run, 0 means use the default in PhysicsSettings::mNumPositionSteps. The number of iterations to use is the max of all contacts and constraints in the island. More...
EOverrideMassProperties mOverrideMassProperties = EOverrideMassProperties::CalculateMassAndInertia
 Determines how mMassPropertiesOverride will be used. More...
float mInertiaMultiplier = 1.0f
 When calculating the inertia (not when it is provided) the calculated inertia will be multiplied by this value. More...
MassProperties mMassPropertiesOverride
 Contains replacement mass settings which override the automatically calculated values. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BodyCreationSettings
using GroupFilterToIDMap = StreamUtils::ObjectToIDMap< GroupFilter >
using IDToGroupFilterMap = StreamUtils::IDToObjectMap< GroupFilter >
using ShapeToIDMap = Shape::ShapeToIDMap
using IDToShapeMap = Shape::IDToShapeMap
using MaterialToIDMap = StreamUtils::ObjectToIDMap< PhysicsMaterial >
using IDToMaterialMap = StreamUtils::IDToObjectMap< PhysicsMaterial >
using BCSResult = Result< BodyCreationSettings >
- Public Member Functions inherited from BodyCreationSettings
 BodyCreationSettings ()=default
 Constructor. More...
 BodyCreationSettings (const ShapeSettings *inShape, RVec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, EMotionType inMotionType, ObjectLayer inObjectLayer)
 BodyCreationSettings (const Shape *inShape, RVec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, EMotionType inMotionType, ObjectLayer inObjectLayer)
const ShapeSettingsGetShapeSettings () const
 Access to the shape settings object. This contains serializable (non-runtime optimized) information about the Shape. More...
void SetShapeSettings (const ShapeSettings *inShape)
Shape::ShapeResult ConvertShapeSettings ()
 Convert ShapeSettings object into a Shape object. This will free the ShapeSettings object and make the object ready for runtime. Serialization is no longer possible after this. More...
const ShapeGetShape () const
 Access to the run-time shape object. Will convert from ShapeSettings object if needed. More...
void SetShape (const Shape *inShape)
bool HasMassProperties () const
 Check if the mass properties of this body will be calculated (only relevant for kinematic or dynamic objects that need a MotionProperties object) More...
MassProperties GetMassProperties () const
 Calculate (or return when overridden) the mass and inertia for this body. More...
void SaveBinaryState (StreamOut &inStream) const
 Saves the state of this object in binary form to inStream. Doesn't store the shape nor the group filter. More...
void RestoreBinaryState (StreamIn &inStream)
 Restore the state of this object from inStream. Doesn't restore the shape nor the group filter. More...
void SaveWithChildren (StreamOut &inStream, ShapeToIDMap *ioShapeMap, MaterialToIDMap *ioMaterialMap, GroupFilterToIDMap *ioGroupFilterMap) const
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BodyCreationSettings
static BCSResult sRestoreWithChildren (StreamIn &inStream, IDToShapeMap &ioShapeMap, IDToMaterialMap &ioMaterialMap, IDToGroupFilterMap &ioGroupFilterMap)
 Restore body creation settings, its shape, materials and group filter. Pass in an empty map in ioShapeMap / ioMaterialMap / ioGroupFilterMap or reuse the same map while reading multiple shapes from the same stream in order to restore duplicates. More...

Detailed Description

A single rigid body sub part of the ragdoll.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mToParent

Ref<TwoBodyConstraintSettings> RagdollSettings::Part::mToParent

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