Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Jolt Physics Library (
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Jorrit Rouwe
3// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5#pragma once
14class OrientedBox;
26 void AddShape(Vec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, const ShapeSettings *inShape, uint32 inUserData = 0);
29 void AddShape(Vec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, const Shape *inShape, uint32 inUserData = 0);
32 {
36 RefConst<Shape> mShapePtr;
37 Vec3 mPosition;
38 Quat mRotation;
39 uint32 mUserData = 0;
40 };
44 SubShapes mSubShapes;
54 explicit CompoundShape(EShapeSubType inSubType) : Shape(EShapeType::Compound, inSubType) { }
55 CompoundShape(EShapeSubType inSubType, const ShapeSettings &inSettings, ShapeResult &outResult) : Shape(EShapeType::Compound, inSubType, inSettings, outResult) { }
57 // See Shape::GetCenterOfMass
58 virtual Vec3 GetCenterOfMass() const override { return mCenterOfMass; }
60 // See Shape::MustBeStatic
61 virtual bool MustBeStatic() const override;
63 // See Shape::GetLocalBounds
64 virtual AABox GetLocalBounds() const override { return mLocalBounds; }
66 // See Shape::GetSubShapeIDBitsRecursive
67 virtual uint GetSubShapeIDBitsRecursive() const override;
69 // See Shape::GetWorldSpaceBounds
70 virtual AABox GetWorldSpaceBounds(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale) const override;
73 // See Shape::GetInnerRadius
74 virtual float GetInnerRadius() const override { return mInnerRadius; }
76 // See Shape::GetMassProperties
77 virtual MassProperties GetMassProperties() const override;
79 // See Shape::GetMaterial
80 virtual const PhysicsMaterial * GetMaterial(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const override;
82 // See Shape::GetLeafShape
83 virtual const Shape * GetLeafShape(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const override;
85 // See Shape::GetSubShapeUserData
86 virtual uint64 GetSubShapeUserData(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const override;
88 // See Shape::GetSubShapeTransformedShape
89 virtual TransformedShape GetSubShapeTransformedShape(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const override;
91 // See Shape::GetSurfaceNormal
92 virtual Vec3 GetSurfaceNormal(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inLocalSurfacePosition) const override;
94 // See Shape::GetSupportingFace
95 virtual void GetSupportingFace(const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inDirection, Vec3Arg inScale, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, SupportingFace &outVertices) const override;
97 // See Shape::GetSubmergedVolume
98 virtual void GetSubmergedVolume(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const Plane &inSurface, float &outTotalVolume, float &outSubmergedVolume, Vec3 &outCenterOfBuoyancy JPH_IF_DEBUG_RENDERER(, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset)) const override;
101 // See Shape::Draw
102 virtual void Draw(DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, ColorArg inColor, bool inUseMaterialColors, bool inDrawWireframe) const override;
104 // See Shape::DrawGetSupportFunction
105 virtual void DrawGetSupportFunction(DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, ColorArg inColor, bool inDrawSupportDirection) const override;
107 // See Shape::DrawGetSupportingFace
108 virtual void DrawGetSupportingFace(DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale) const override;
111 // See: Shape::CollideSoftBodyVertices
112 virtual void CollideSoftBodyVertices(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator &inVertices, uint inNumVertices, int inCollidingShapeIndex) const override;
114 // See Shape::TransformShape
115 virtual void TransformShape(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, TransformedShapeCollector &ioCollector) const override;
117 // See Shape::GetTrianglesStart
118 virtual void GetTrianglesStart(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, const AABox &inBox, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale) const override { JPH_ASSERT(false, "Cannot call on non-leaf shapes, use CollectTransformedShapes to collect the leaves first!"); }
120 // See Shape::GetTrianglesNext
121 virtual int GetTrianglesNext(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, int inMaxTrianglesRequested, Float3 *outTriangleVertices, const PhysicsMaterial **outMaterials = nullptr) const override { JPH_ASSERT(false, "Cannot call on non-leaf shapes, use CollectTransformedShapes to collect the leaves first!"); return 0; }
128 virtual int GetIntersectingSubShapes(const AABox &inBox, uint *outSubShapeIndices, int inMaxSubShapeIndices) const = 0;
135 virtual int GetIntersectingSubShapes(const OrientedBox &inBox, uint *outSubShapeIndices, int inMaxSubShapeIndices) const = 0;
137 struct SubShape
138 {
144 {
145 if (inSettings.mShapePtr != nullptr)
146 {
147 // Use provided shape
148 mShape = inSettings.mShapePtr;
149 }
150 else
151 {
152 // Create child shape
153 ShapeResult child_result = inSettings.mShape->Create();
154 if (!child_result.IsValid())
155 {
156 outResult = child_result;
157 return false;
158 }
159 mShape = child_result.Get();
160 }
162 // Copy user data
163 mUserData = inSettings.mUserData;
165 SetTransform(inSettings.mPosition, inSettings.mRotation, Vec3::sZero() /* Center of mass not yet calculated */);
166 return true;
167 }
173 JPH_INLINE void SetTransform(Vec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inCenterOfMass)
174 {
175 SetPositionCOM(inPosition - inCenterOfMass + inRotation * mShape->GetCenterOfMass());
177 mIsRotationIdentity = inRotation.IsClose(Quat::sIdentity()) || inRotation.IsClose(-Quat::sIdentity());
178 SetRotation(mIsRotationIdentity? Quat::sIdentity() : inRotation);
179 }
184 JPH_INLINE Mat44 GetLocalTransformNoScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const
185 {
186 JPH_ASSERT(IsValidScale(inScale));
187 return Mat44::sRotationTranslation(GetRotation(), inScale * GetPositionCOM());
188 }
191 inline bool IsValidScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const
192 {
193 // We can always handle uniform scale or identity rotations
194 if (mIsRotationIdentity || ScaleHelpers::IsUniformScale(inScale))
195 return true;
197 return ScaleHelpers::CanScaleBeRotated(GetRotation(), inScale);
198 }
201 inline Vec3 TransformScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const
202 {
203 // We don't need to transform uniform scale or if the rotation is identity
204 if (mIsRotationIdentity || ScaleHelpers::IsUniformScale(inScale))
205 return inScale;
207 return ScaleHelpers::RotateScale(GetRotation(), inScale);
208 }
211 JPH_INLINE void SetPositionCOM(Vec3Arg inPositionCOM)
212 {
213 inPositionCOM.StoreFloat3(&mPositionCOM);
214 }
217 JPH_INLINE Vec3 GetPositionCOM() const
218 {
219 return Vec3::sLoadFloat3Unsafe(mPositionCOM);
220 }
223 JPH_INLINE void SetRotation(QuatArg inRotation)
224 {
225 inRotation.StoreFloat3(&mRotation);
226 }
229 JPH_INLINE Quat GetRotation() const
230 {
231 return mIsRotationIdentity? Quat::sIdentity() : Quat::sLoadFloat3Unsafe(mRotation);
232 }
239 // 3 padding bytes left
240 };
242 static_assert(sizeof(SubShape) == (JPH_CPU_ADDRESS_BITS == 64? 40 : 36), "Compiler added unexpected padding");
247 const SubShapes & GetSubShapes() const { return mSubShapes; }
250 uint GetNumSubShapes() const { return uint(mSubShapes.size()); }
253 const SubShape & GetSubShape(uint inIdx) const { return mSubShapes[inIdx]; }
256 uint32 GetCompoundUserData(uint inIdx) const { return mSubShapes[inIdx].mUserData; }
259 void SetCompoundUserData(uint inIdx, uint32 inUserData) { mSubShapes[inIdx].mUserData = inUserData; }
264 inline bool IsSubShapeIDValid(SubShapeID inSubShapeID) const
265 {
266 SubShapeID remainder;
267 return inSubShapeID.PopID(GetSubShapeIDBits(), remainder) < mSubShapes.size();
268 }
274 inline uint32 GetSubShapeIndexFromID(SubShapeID inSubShapeID, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const
275 {
276 uint32 idx = inSubShapeID.PopID(GetSubShapeIDBits(), outRemainder);
277 JPH_ASSERT(idx < mSubShapes.size(), "Invalid SubShapeID");
278 return idx;
279 }
285 inline SubShapeIDCreator GetSubShapeIDFromIndex(int inIdx, const SubShapeIDCreator &inParentSubShapeID) const
286 {
287 return inParentSubShapeID.PushID(inIdx, GetSubShapeIDBits());
288 }
290 // See Shape
291 virtual void SaveBinaryState(StreamOut &inStream) const override;
292 virtual void SaveSubShapeState(ShapeList &outSubShapes) const override;
293 virtual void RestoreSubShapeState(const ShapeRefC *inSubShapes, uint inNumShapes) override;
295 // See Shape::GetStatsRecursive
296 virtual Stats GetStatsRecursive(VisitedShapes &ioVisitedShapes) const override;
298 // See Shape::GetVolume
299 virtual float GetVolume() const override;
301 // See Shape::IsValidScale
302 virtual bool IsValidScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const override;
304 // See Shape::MakeScaleValid
305 virtual Vec3 MakeScaleValid(Vec3Arg inScale) const override;
307 // Register shape functions with the registry
308 static void sRegister();
311 // See: Shape::RestoreBinaryState
312 virtual void RestoreBinaryState(StreamIn &inStream) override;
314 // Visitors for collision detection
315 struct CastRayVisitor;
316 struct CastRayVisitorCollector;
317 struct CollidePointVisitor;
318 struct CastShapeVisitor;
319 struct CollectTransformedShapesVisitor;
320 struct CollideCompoundVsShapeVisitor;
321 struct CollideShapeVsCompoundVisitor;
322 template <class BoxType> struct GetIntersectingSubShapesVisitor;
325 inline uint GetSubShapeIDBits() const
326 {
327 // Ensure we have enough bits to encode our shape [0, n - 1]
328 uint32 n = uint32(mSubShapes.size()) - 1;
329 return 32 - CountLeadingZeros(n);
330 }
334 {
335 mInnerRadius = FLT_MAX;
336 for (const SubShape &s : mSubShapes)
337 mInnerRadius = min(mInnerRadius, s.mShape->GetInnerRadius());
338 }
340 Vec3 mCenterOfMass { Vec3::sZero() };
343 float mInnerRadius = FLT_MAX;
346 // Helper functions called by CollisionDispatch
347 static void sCastCompoundVsShape(const ShapeCast &inShapeCast, const ShapeCastSettings &inShapeCastSettings, const Shape *inShape, Vec3Arg inScale, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform2, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator1, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator2, CastShapeCollector &ioCollector);
#define JPH_EXPORT
Definition Core.h:271
std::uint64_t uint64
Definition Core.h:485
unsigned int uint
Definition Core.h:481
Definition Core.h:414
std::uint32_t uint32
Definition Core.h:484
Definition Core.h:565
Definition Core.h:408
#define JPH_ASSERT(...)
Definition IssueReporting.h:33
uint CountLeadingZeros(uint32 inValue)
Compute the number of leading zero bits (how many high bits are zero)
Definition Math.h:134
Macro to override the new and delete functions.
Definition Memory.h:31
#define JPH_DECLARE_SERIALIZABLE_ABSTRACT(linkage, class_name)
Definition SerializableObject.h:120
#define JPH_DECLARE_SERIALIZABLE_NON_VIRTUAL(linkage, class_name)
Definition SerializableObject.h:80
This enumerates all shape types, each shape can return its type through Shape::GetSubType.
Definition Shape.h:77
Shapes are categorized in groups, each shape can return which group it belongs to through its Shape::...
Definition Shape.h:57
@ Compound
Used by CompoundShape.
Axis aligned box.
Definition AABox.h:16
size_type size() const
Returns amount of elements in the array.
Definition Array.h:320
Settings to be passed with a collision query.
Definition CollideShape.h:94
Definition CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator.h:15
Virtual interface that allows collecting multiple collision results.
Definition CollisionCollector.h:45
Class that holds an RGBA color with 8-bits per component.
Definition Color.h:16
Base class for a compound shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:49
virtual void GetTrianglesStart(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, const AABox &inBox, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale) const override
Definition CompoundShape.h:118
AABox mLocalBounds
Definition CompoundShape.h:341
const SubShapes & GetSubShapes() const
Access to the sub shapes of this compound.
Definition CompoundShape.h:247
virtual int GetIntersectingSubShapes(const OrientedBox &inBox, uint *outSubShapeIndices, int inMaxSubShapeIndices) const =0
uint GetSubShapeIDBits() const
Determine amount of bits needed to encode sub shape id.
Definition CompoundShape.h:325
bool IsSubShapeIDValid(SubShapeID inSubShapeID) const
Definition CompoundShape.h:264
uint32 GetCompoundUserData(uint inIdx) const
Get the user data associated with a shape in this compound.
Definition CompoundShape.h:256
SubShapeIDCreator GetSubShapeIDFromIndex(int inIdx, const SubShapeIDCreator &inParentSubShapeID) const
Convert a sub shape index to a sub shape ID.
Definition CompoundShape.h:285
JPH_OVERRIDE_NEW_DELETE CompoundShape(EShapeSubType inSubType)
Definition CompoundShape.h:54
uint32 GetSubShapeIndexFromID(SubShapeID inSubShapeID, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const
Definition CompoundShape.h:274
void SetCompoundUserData(uint inIdx, uint32 inUserData)
Set the user data associated with a shape in this compound.
Definition CompoundShape.h:259
virtual int GetTrianglesNext(GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, int inMaxTrianglesRequested, Float3 *outTriangleVertices, const PhysicsMaterial **outMaterials=nullptr) const override
Definition CompoundShape.h:121
void CalculateInnerRadius()
Determine the inner radius of this shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:333
uint GetNumSubShapes() const
Get the total number of sub shapes.
Definition CompoundShape.h:250
virtual int GetIntersectingSubShapes(const AABox &inBox, uint *outSubShapeIndices, int inMaxSubShapeIndices) const =0
CompoundShape(EShapeSubType inSubType, const ShapeSettings &inSettings, ShapeResult &outResult)
Definition CompoundShape.h:55
SubShapes mSubShapes
Definition CompoundShape.h:342
virtual float GetInnerRadius() const override
Definition CompoundShape.h:74
virtual AABox GetLocalBounds() const override
Get local bounding box including convex radius, this box is centered around the center of mass rather...
Definition CompoundShape.h:64
virtual Vec3 GetCenterOfMass() const override
All shapes are centered around their center of mass. This function returns the center of mass positio...
Definition CompoundShape.h:58
const SubShape & GetSubShape(uint inIdx) const
Access to a particular sub shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:253
Base class settings to construct a compound shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:18
Constructor. Use AddShape to add the parts.
Definition DebugRenderer.h:47
Class that holds 3 floats. Used as a storage class. Convert to Vec3 for calculations.
Definition Float3.h:13
Describes the mass and inertia properties of a body. Used during body construction only.
Definition MassProperties.h:16
Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix.
Definition Mat44.h:13
static JPH_INLINE Mat44 sRotationTranslation(QuatArg inR, Vec3Arg inT)
Get matrix that rotates and translates.
Definition Mat44.inl:149
Oriented box.
Definition OrientedBox.h:18
Definition PhysicsMaterial.h:23
An infinite plane described by the formula X . Normal + Constant = 0.
Definition Plane.h:11
Definition Quat.h:33
static JPH_INLINE Quat sLoadFloat3Unsafe(const Float3 &inV)
Load 3 floats from memory (X, Y and Z component and then calculates W) reads 32 bits extra which it d...
Definition Quat.inl:321
static JPH_INLINE Quat sIdentity()
Definition Quat.h:103
bool IsClose(QuatArg inRHS, float inMaxDistSq=1.0e-12f) const
If this quaternion is close to inRHS. Note that q and -q represent the same rotation,...
Definition Quat.h:56
JPH_INLINE void StoreFloat3(Float3 *outV) const
Store 3 as floats to memory (X, Y and Z component)
Definition Quat.inl:315
Definition Reference.h:163
bool IsValid() const
Checks if the result is valid.
Definition Result.h:134
const Type & Get() const
Get the result value.
Definition Result.h:137
Settings to be passed with a shape cast.
Definition ShapeCast.h:92
Filter class.
Definition ShapeFilter.h:17
Base class for all shapes (collision volume of a body). Defines a virtual interface for collision det...
Definition Shape.h:186
virtual AABox GetWorldSpaceBounds(Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale) const
Definition Shape.h:222
Definition Shape.h:147
virtual ShapeResult Create() const =0
Create a shape according to the settings specified by this object.
Simple binary input stream.
Definition StreamIn.h:13
Simple binary output stream.
Definition StreamOut.h:13
Definition SubShapeID.h:108
SubShapeIDCreator PushID(uint inValue, uint inBits) const
Add a new id to the chain of id's and return it.
Definition SubShapeID.h:111
A sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compou...
Definition SubShapeID.h:23
Type PopID(uint inBits, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const
Get the next id in the chain of ids (pops parents before children)
Definition SubShapeID.h:42
Definition TransformedShape.h:26
Definition Vec3.h:17
JPH_INLINE void StoreFloat3(Float3 *outV) const
Store 3 floats to memory.
Definition Vec3.inl:772
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sZero()
Vector with all zeros.
Definition Vec3.inl:103
static JPH_INLINE Vec3 sLoadFloat3Unsafe(const Float3 &inV)
Load 3 floats from memory (reads 32 bits extra which it doesn't use)
Definition Vec3.inl:135
bool CanScaleBeRotated(QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale)
Definition ScaleHelpers.h:51
Vec3 RotateScale(QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale)
Definition ScaleHelpers.h:75
bool IsUniformScale(Vec3Arg inScale)
Test if a scale is uniform.
Definition ScaleHelpers.h:24
Definition CompoundShape.h:138
JPH_INLINE Quat GetRotation() const
Uncompress the rotation.
Definition CompoundShape.h:229
Float3 mPositionCOM
Note: Position of center of mass of sub shape!
Definition CompoundShape.h:235
JPH_INLINE Mat44 GetLocalTransformNoScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const
Definition CompoundShape.h:184
bool mIsRotationIdentity
If mRotation is close to identity (put here because it falls in padding bytes)
Definition CompoundShape.h:238
bool FromSettings(const CompoundShapeSettings::SubShapeSettings &inSettings, ShapeResult &outResult)
Definition CompoundShape.h:143
bool IsValidScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const
Test if inScale is valid for this sub shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:191
JPH_INLINE void SetTransform(Vec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inCenterOfMass)
Definition CompoundShape.h:173
Float3 mRotation
Note: X, Y, Z of rotation quaternion - note we read 4 bytes beyond this so make sure there's somethin...
Definition CompoundShape.h:236
uint32 mUserData
User data value (put here because it falls in padding bytes)
Definition CompoundShape.h:237
Vec3 TransformScale(Vec3Arg inScale) const
Transform the scale to the local space of the child shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:201
JPH_INLINE Vec3 GetPositionCOM() const
Uncompress the center of mass position.
Definition CompoundShape.h:217
JPH_INLINE void SetPositionCOM(Vec3Arg inPositionCOM)
Compress the center of mass position.
Definition CompoundShape.h:211
JPH_INLINE void SetRotation(QuatArg inRotation)
Compress the rotation.
Definition CompoundShape.h:223
RefConst< Shape > mShape
Definition CompoundShape.h:234
Definition CompoundShape.h:32
uint32 mUserData
User data value (can be used by the application for any purpose)
Definition CompoundShape.h:39
Quat mRotation
Rotation of the sub shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:38
RefConst< ShapeSettings > mShape
Sub shape (either this or mShapePtr needs to be filled up)
Definition CompoundShape.h:35
Vec3 mPosition
Position of the sub shape.
Definition CompoundShape.h:37
RefConst< Shape > mShapePtr
Sub shape (either this or mShape needs to be filled up)
Definition CompoundShape.h:36
An opaque buffer that holds shape specific information during GetTrianglesStart/Next.
Definition Shape.h:348
Definition ShapeCast.h:69