Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
TaperedCylinderShape Class Referencefinal

A cylinder with different top and bottom radii. More...

#include <TaperedCylinderShape.h>

Inheritance diagram for TaperedCylinderShape:
ConvexShape Shape RefTarget< Shape > NonCopyable


class  TaperedCylinder
class  TCSGetTrianglesContext

Public Member Functions

JPH_OVERRIDE_NEW_DELETE TaperedCylinderShape ()
 TaperedCylinderShape (const TaperedCylinderShapeSettings &inSettings, ShapeResult &outResult)
float GetTopRadius () const
 Get top radius of the tapered cylinder.
float GetBottomRadius () const
 Get bottom radius of the tapered cylinder.
float GetConvexRadius () const
 Get convex radius of the tapered cylinder.
float GetHalfHeight () const
 Get half height of the tapered cylinder.
virtual Vec3 GetCenterOfMass () const override
 All shapes are centered around their center of mass. This function returns the center of mass position that needs to be applied to transform the shape to where it was created.
virtual AABox GetLocalBounds () const override
 Get local bounding box including convex radius, this box is centered around the center of mass rather than the world transform.
virtual float GetInnerRadius () const override
virtual MassProperties GetMassProperties () const override
 Calculate the mass and inertia of this shape.
virtual Vec3 GetSurfaceNormal (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inLocalSurfacePosition) const override
virtual void GetSupportingFace (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inDirection, Vec3Arg inScale, Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, SupportingFace &outVertices) const override
virtual const SupportGetSupportFunction (ESupportMode inMode, SupportBuffer &inBuffer, Vec3Arg inScale) const override
virtual void CollidePoint (Vec3Arg inPoint, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, CollidePointCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const override
virtual void CollideSoftBodyVertices (Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator &inVertices, uint inNumVertices, int inCollidingShapeIndex) const override
virtual void GetTrianglesStart (GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, const AABox &inBox, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale) const override
virtual int GetTrianglesNext (GetTrianglesContext &ioContext, int inMaxTrianglesRequested, Float3 *outTriangleVertices, const PhysicsMaterial **outMaterials=nullptr) const override
virtual void Draw (DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, ColorArg inColor, bool inUseMaterialColors, bool inDrawWireframe) const override
 Draw the shape at a particular location with a particular color (debugging purposes)
virtual void SaveBinaryState (StreamOut &inStream) const override
 Saves the contents of the shape in binary form to inStream.
virtual Stats GetStats () const override
 Get stats of this shape. Use for logging / data collection purposes only. Does not add values from child shapes, use GetStatsRecursive for this.
virtual float GetVolume () const override
virtual bool IsValidScale (Vec3Arg inScale) const override
virtual Vec3 MakeScaleValid (Vec3Arg inScale) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConvexShape
JPH_OVERRIDE_NEW_DELETE ConvexShape (EShapeSubType inSubType)
 ConvexShape (EShapeSubType inSubType, const ConvexShapeSettings &inSettings, ShapeResult &outResult)
 ConvexShape (EShapeSubType inSubType, const PhysicsMaterial *inMaterial)
virtual uint GetSubShapeIDBitsRecursive () const override
 Get the max number of sub shape ID bits that are needed to be able to address any leaf shape in this shape. Used mainly for checking that it is smaller or equal than SubShapeID::MaxBits.
virtual const PhysicsMaterialGetMaterial (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const override
 Get the material assigned to a particular sub shape ID.
virtual bool CastRay (const RayCast &inRay, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, RayCastResult &ioHit) const override
virtual void CastRay (const RayCast &inRay, const RayCastSettings &inRayCastSettings, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, CastRayCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter={ }) const override
virtual void GetSubmergedVolume (Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const Plane &inSurface, float &outTotalVolume, float &outSubmergedVolume, Vec3 &outCenterOfBuoyancy JPH_IF_DEBUG_RENDERER(, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset)) const override
void SetMaterial (const PhysicsMaterial *inMaterial)
 Material of the shape.
const PhysicsMaterialGetMaterial () const
void SetDensity (float inDensity)
 Set density of the shape (kg / m^3)
float GetDensity () const
 Get density of the shape (kg / m^3)
virtual void DrawGetSupportFunction (DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, ColorArg inColor, bool inDrawSupportDirection) const override
 Draw the results of the GetSupportFunction with the convex radius added back on to show any errors introduced by this process (only relevant for convex shapes)
virtual void DrawGetSupportingFace (DebugRenderer *inRenderer, RMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale) const override
 Draw the results of the GetSupportingFace function to show any errors introduced by this process (only relevant for convex shapes)
virtual void SaveMaterialState (PhysicsMaterialList &outMaterials) const override
virtual void RestoreMaterialState (const PhysicsMaterialRefC *inMaterials, uint inNumMaterials) override
 Restore the material references after calling sRestoreFromBinaryState. Note that the exact same materials need to be provided in the same order as returned by SaveMaterialState.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Shape
 Shape (EShapeType inType, EShapeSubType inSubType)
 Shape (EShapeType inType, EShapeSubType inSubType, const ShapeSettings &inSettings, ShapeResult &outResult)
virtual ~Shape ()=default
EShapeType GetType () const
 Get type.
EShapeSubType GetSubType () const
uint64 GetUserData () const
 User data (to be used freely by the application)
void SetUserData (uint64 inUserData)
virtual bool MustBeStatic () const
 Check if this shape can only be used to create a static body or if it can also be dynamic/kinematic.
virtual AABox GetWorldSpaceBounds (Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale) const
AABox GetWorldSpaceBounds (DMat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale) const
 Get world space bounds including convex radius.
virtual const ShapeGetLeafShape (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const
virtual uint64 GetSubShapeUserData (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID) const
 Get the user data of a particular sub shape ID. Corresponds with the value stored in Shape::GetUserData of the leaf shape pointed to by inSubShapeID.
virtual TransformedShape GetSubShapeTransformedShape (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale, SubShapeID &outRemainder) const
virtual void GetSubmergedVolume (Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, Vec3Arg inScale, const Plane &inSurface, float &outTotalVolume, float &outSubmergedVolume, Vec3 &outCenterOfBuoyancy, RVec3Arg inBaseOffset) const =0
virtual void CollectTransformedShapes (const AABox &inBox, Vec3Arg inPositionCOM, QuatArg inRotation, Vec3Arg inScale, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, TransformedShapeCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter) const
virtual void TransformShape (Mat44Arg inCenterOfMassTransform, TransformedShapeCollector &ioCollector) const
ShapeResult ScaleShape (Vec3Arg inScale) const
virtual Stats GetStatsRecursive (VisitedShapes &ioVisitedShapes) const
 Volume of this shape (m^3). Note that for compound shapes the volume may be incorrect since child shapes can overlap which is not accounted for.
virtual void SaveMaterialState (PhysicsMaterialList &outMaterials) const
 Outputs the material references that this shape has to outMaterials.
virtual void SaveSubShapeState (ShapeList &outSubShapes) const
 Outputs the shape references that this shape has to outSubShapes.
virtual void RestoreSubShapeState (const ShapeRefC *inSubShapes, uint inNumShapes)
 Restore the shape references after calling sRestoreFromBinaryState. Note that the exact same shapes need to be provided in the same order as returned by SaveSubShapeState.
void SaveWithChildren (StreamOut &inStream, ShapeToIDMap &ioShapeMap, MaterialToIDMap &ioMaterialMap) const
 Save this shape, all its children and its materials. Pass in an empty map in ioShapeMap / ioMaterialMap or reuse the same map while saving multiple shapes to the same stream in order to avoid writing duplicates.
- Public Member Functions inherited from RefTarget< Shape >
 RefTarget ()=default
 RefTarget (const RefTarget &)
 ~RefTarget ()
 assert no one is referencing us
void SetEmbedded () const
RefTargetoperator= (const RefTarget &)
 Assignment operator.
uint32 GetRefCount () const
 Get current refcount of this object.
void AddRef () const
 Add or release a reference to this object.
void Release () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from NonCopyable
 NonCopyable ()=default
 NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete
void operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete

Static Public Member Functions

static void sRegister ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ConvexShape
static void sRegister ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Shape
static ShapeResult sRestoreFromBinaryState (StreamIn &inStream)
 Creates a Shape of the correct type and restores its contents from the binary stream inStream.
static ShapeResult sRestoreWithChildren (StreamIn &inStream, IDToShapeMap &ioShapeMap, IDToMaterialMap &ioMaterialMap)
 Restore a shape, all its children and materials. Pass in an empty map in ioShapeMap / ioMaterialMap or reuse the same map while reading multiple shapes from the same stream in order to restore duplicates.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RefTarget< Shape >
static int sInternalGetRefCountOffset ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void RestoreBinaryState (StreamIn &inStream) override
 This function should not be called directly, it is used by sRestoreFromBinaryState.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ConvexShape
enum class  ESupportMode { ExcludeConvexRadius , IncludeConvexRadius , Default }
 How the GetSupport function should behave. More...
- Public Types inherited from Shape
using ShapeResult = ShapeSettings::ShapeResult
using SupportingFace = StaticArray< Vec3, 32 >
 Type definition for a supporting face.
using VisitedShapes = UnorderedSet< const Shape * >
using ShapeToIDMap = StreamUtils::ObjectToIDMap< Shape >
using IDToShapeMap = StreamUtils::IDToObjectMap< Shape >
using MaterialToIDMap = StreamUtils::ObjectToIDMap< PhysicsMaterial >
using IDToMaterialMap = StreamUtils::IDToObjectMap< PhysicsMaterial >
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Shape
static constexpr int cGetTrianglesMinTrianglesRequested = 32
 This is the minimum amount of triangles that should be requested through GetTrianglesNext.
static bool sDrawSubmergedVolumes = false
 Debug helper which draws the intersection between water and the shapes, the center of buoyancy and the submerged volume.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Shape
static void sCollidePointUsingRayCast (const Shape &inShape, Vec3Arg inPoint, const SubShapeIDCreator &inSubShapeIDCreator, CollidePointCollector &ioCollector, const ShapeFilter &inShapeFilter)
 A fallback version of CollidePoint that uses a ray cast and counts the number of hits to determine if the point is inside the shape. Odd number of hits means inside, even number of hits means outside.
- Protected Attributes inherited from RefTarget< Shape >
atomic< uint32mRefCount
 Current reference count.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ConvexShape
static const StaticArray< Vec3, 384 > sUnitSphereTriangles
 Vertex list that forms a unit sphere.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from RefTarget< Shape >
static constexpr uint32 cEmbedded
 A large value that gets added to the refcount to mark the object as embedded.

Detailed Description

A cylinder with different top and bottom radii.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TaperedCylinderShape() [1/2]

JPH_OVERRIDE_NEW_DELETE TaperedCylinderShape::TaperedCylinderShape ( )


◆ TaperedCylinderShape() [2/2]

TaperedCylinderShape::TaperedCylinderShape ( const TaperedCylinderShapeSettings inSettings,
ShapeResult outResult 

Member Function Documentation

◆ CollidePoint()

void TaperedCylinderShape::CollidePoint ( Vec3Arg  inPoint,
const SubShapeIDCreator inSubShapeIDCreator,
CollidePointCollector ioCollector,
const ShapeFilter inShapeFilter = { } 
) const

Check if inPoint is inside this shape. For this tests all shapes are treated as if they were solid. Note that inPoint should be relative to the center of mass of this shape (i.e. subtract Shape::GetCenterOfMass() from inPoint if you want to test against the shape in the space it was created). For a mesh shape, this test will only provide sensible information if the mesh is a closed manifold. For each shape that collides, ioCollector will receive a hit.

Reimplemented from ConvexShape.

◆ CollideSoftBodyVertices()

void TaperedCylinderShape::CollideSoftBodyVertices ( Mat44Arg  inCenterOfMassTransform,
Vec3Arg  inScale,
const CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator inVertices,
uint  inNumVertices,
int  inCollidingShapeIndex 
) const

Collides all vertices of a soft body with this shape and updates SoftBodyVertex::mCollisionPlane, SoftBodyVertex::mCollidingShapeIndex and SoftBodyVertex::mLargestPenetration if a collision with more penetration was found.

inCenterOfMassTransformCenter of mass transform for this shape relative to the vertices.
inScaleScale in local space of the shape (scales relative to its center of mass)
inVerticesThe vertices of the soft body
inNumVerticesThe number of vertices in inVertices
inCollidingShapeIndexValue to store in CollideSoftBodyVertexIterator::mCollidingShapeIndex when a collision was found

Implements Shape.

◆ Draw()

void TaperedCylinderShape::Draw ( DebugRenderer inRenderer,
RMat44Arg  inCenterOfMassTransform,
Vec3Arg  inScale,
ColorArg  inColor,
bool  inUseMaterialColors,
bool  inDrawWireframe 
) const

Draw the shape at a particular location with a particular color (debugging purposes)

Implements Shape.

◆ GetBottomRadius()

float TaperedCylinderShape::GetBottomRadius ( ) const

Get bottom radius of the tapered cylinder.

◆ GetCenterOfMass()

virtual Vec3 TaperedCylinderShape::GetCenterOfMass ( ) const

All shapes are centered around their center of mass. This function returns the center of mass position that needs to be applied to transform the shape to where it was created.

Reimplemented from Shape.

◆ GetConvexRadius()

float TaperedCylinderShape::GetConvexRadius ( ) const

Get convex radius of the tapered cylinder.

◆ GetHalfHeight()

float TaperedCylinderShape::GetHalfHeight ( ) const

Get half height of the tapered cylinder.

◆ GetInnerRadius()

virtual float TaperedCylinderShape::GetInnerRadius ( ) const

Returns the radius of the biggest sphere that fits entirely in the shape. In case this shape consists of multiple sub shapes, it returns the smallest sphere of the parts. This can be used as a measure of how far the shape can be moved without risking going through geometry.

Implements Shape.

◆ GetLocalBounds()

AABox TaperedCylinderShape::GetLocalBounds ( ) const

Get local bounding box including convex radius, this box is centered around the center of mass rather than the world transform.

Implements Shape.

◆ GetMassProperties()

MassProperties TaperedCylinderShape::GetMassProperties ( ) const

Calculate the mass and inertia of this shape.

Implements Shape.

◆ GetStats()

virtual Stats TaperedCylinderShape::GetStats ( ) const

Get stats of this shape. Use for logging / data collection purposes only. Does not add values from child shapes, use GetStatsRecursive for this.

Implements Shape.

◆ GetSupportFunction()

const ConvexShape::Support * TaperedCylinderShape::GetSupportFunction ( ESupportMode  inMode,
SupportBuffer inBuffer,
Vec3Arg  inScale 
) const

Returns an object that provides the GetSupport function for this shape. inMode determines if this support function includes or excludes the convex radius. of the values returned by the GetSupport function. This improves numerical accuracy of the results. inScale scales this shape in local space.

Implements ConvexShape.

◆ GetSupportingFace()

void TaperedCylinderShape::GetSupportingFace ( const SubShapeID inSubShapeID,
Vec3Arg  inDirection,
Vec3Arg  inScale,
Mat44Arg  inCenterOfMassTransform,
SupportingFace outVertices 
) const

Get the vertices of the face that faces inDirection the most (includes any convex radius). Note that this function can only return faces of convex shapes or triangles, which is why a sub shape ID to get to that leaf must be provided.

inSubShapeIDSub shape ID of target shape
inDirectionDirection that the face should be facing (in local space to this shape)
inCenterOfMassTransformTransform to transform outVertices with
inScaleScale in local space of the shape (scales relative to its center of mass)
outVerticesResulting face. The returned face can be empty if the shape doesn't have polygons to return (e.g. because it's a sphere). The face will be returned in world space.

Reimplemented from Shape.

◆ GetSurfaceNormal()

Vec3 TaperedCylinderShape::GetSurfaceNormal ( const SubShapeID inSubShapeID,
Vec3Arg  inLocalSurfacePosition 
) const

Get the surface normal of a particular sub shape ID and point on surface (all vectors are relative to center of mass for this shape). Note: When you have a CollideShapeResult or ShapeCastResult you should use -mPenetrationAxis.Normalized() as contact normal as GetSurfaceNormal will only return face normals (and not vertex or edge normals).

Implements Shape.

◆ GetTopRadius()

float TaperedCylinderShape::GetTopRadius ( ) const

Get top radius of the tapered cylinder.

◆ GetTrianglesNext()

int TaperedCylinderShape::GetTrianglesNext ( GetTrianglesContext ioContext,
int  inMaxTrianglesRequested,
Float3 outTriangleVertices,
const PhysicsMaterial **  outMaterials = nullptr 
) const

Call this repeatedly to get all triangles in the box. outTriangleVertices should be large enough to hold 3 * inMaxTriangleRequested entries. outMaterials (if it is not null) should contain inMaxTrianglesRequested entries. The function returns the amount of triangles that it found (which will be <= inMaxTrianglesRequested), or 0 if there are no more triangles. Note that the function can return a value < inMaxTrianglesRequested and still have more triangles to process (triangles can be returned in blocks). Note that the function may return triangles outside of the requested box, only coarse culling is performed on the returned triangles.

Reimplemented from ConvexShape.

◆ GetTrianglesStart()

void TaperedCylinderShape::GetTrianglesStart ( GetTrianglesContext ioContext,
const AABox inBox,
Vec3Arg  inPositionCOM,
QuatArg  inRotation,
Vec3Arg  inScale 
) const

To start iterating over triangles, call this function first. ioContext is a temporary buffer and should remain untouched until the last call to GetTrianglesNext. inBox is the world space bounding in which you want to get the triangles. inPositionCOM/inRotation/inScale describes the transform of this shape. To get the actual triangles call GetTrianglesNext.

Reimplemented from ConvexShape.

◆ GetVolume()

float TaperedCylinderShape::GetVolume ( ) const

Implements Shape.

◆ IsValidScale()

bool TaperedCylinderShape::IsValidScale ( Vec3Arg  inScale) const

Test if inScale is a valid scale for this shape. Some shapes can only be scaled uniformly, compound shapes cannot handle shapes being rotated and scaled (this would cause shearing), scale can never be zero. When the scale is invalid, the function will return false.

Here's a list of supported scales:

  • SphereShape: Scale must be uniform (signs of scale are ignored).
  • BoxShape: Any scale supported (signs of scale are ignored).
  • TriangleShape: Any scale supported when convex radius is zero, otherwise only uniform scale supported.
  • CapsuleShape: Scale must be uniform (signs of scale are ignored).
  • TaperedCapsuleShape: Scale must be uniform (sign of Y scale can be used to flip the capsule).
  • CylinderShape: Scale must be uniform in XZ plane, Y can scale independently (signs of scale are ignored).
  • RotatedTranslatedShape: Scale must not cause shear in the child shape.
  • CompoundShape: Scale must not cause shear in any of the child shapes.

Reimplemented from Shape.

◆ MakeScaleValid()

Vec3 TaperedCylinderShape::MakeScaleValid ( Vec3Arg  inScale) const

This function will make sure that if you wrap this shape in a ScaledShape that the scale is valid. Note that this involves discarding components of the scale that are invalid, so the resulting scaled shape may be different than the requested scale. Compare the return value of this function with the scale you passed in to detect major inconsistencies and possibly warn the user.

inScaleLocal space scale for this shape.
Scale that can be used to wrap this shape in a ScaledShape. IsValidScale will return true for this scale.

Reimplemented from Shape.

◆ RestoreBinaryState()

void TaperedCylinderShape::RestoreBinaryState ( StreamIn inStream)

This function should not be called directly, it is used by sRestoreFromBinaryState.

Reimplemented from ConvexShape.

◆ SaveBinaryState()

void TaperedCylinderShape::SaveBinaryState ( StreamOut inStream) const

Saves the contents of the shape in binary form to inStream.

Reimplemented from ConvexShape.

◆ sRegister()

void TaperedCylinderShape::sRegister ( )

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