Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- IgnoreBody() : IgnoreMultipleBodiesFilter
- IgnoreSingleBodyFilter() : IgnoreSingleBodyFilter
- IgnoreSingleBodyFilterChained() : IgnoreSingleBodyFilterChained
- IndexedTriangle() : IndexedTriangle
- IndexedTriangleNoMaterial() : IndexedTriangle, IndexedTriangleNoMaterial
- Init() : BodyInterface, BodyManager, BroadPhase, BroadPhaseQuadTree, ContactConstraintManager, FixedSizeFreeList< Object >, IslandBuilder, JobSystemSingleThreaded, JobSystemThreadPool, JobSystemWithBarrier, LFHMAllocator, LockFreeHashMap< Key, Value >, MutexArray< MutexType >, NarrowPhaseQuery, PhysicsSystem, QuadTree
- Initialize() : ConvexHullBuilder2D, ConvexHullBuilder::Face, ConvexHullBuilder, DebugRenderer, EPAConvexHullBuilder, SkeletonMapper, SoftBodyMotionProperties
- InitializeUpdateContext() : SoftBodyMotionProperties
- insert() : Array< T, Allocator >, HashTable< Key, KeyValue, HashTableDetail, Hash, KeyEqual >
- InsertKey() : HashTable< Key, KeyValue, HashTableDetail, Hash, KeyEqual >
- InternalEdgeRemovingCollector() : InternalEdgeRemovingCollector
- InternalGetPointer() : Ref< T >, RefConst< T >
- Intersect() : AABox
- Intersects() : GJKClosestPoint
- InvalidateContactCache() : BodyInterface
- InvalidateContactCacheForBody() : BodyManager
- InvalidateContactCacheInternal() : Body
- InvBind() : SoftBodySharedSettings::InvBind
- Inversed() : DMat44, Mat44, Matrix< Rows, Cols >, Quat
- Inversed3x3() : Mat44
- InversedRotationTranslation() : DMat44, Mat44
- InverseRotate() : Quat
- Invoke() : ScopeExit< F >
- is_local() : STLLocalAllocator< T, N >
- IsAbstract() : RTTI
- IsActive() : AngleConstraintPart, AxisConstraintPart, Body, BodyInterface, Constraint, DualAxisConstraintPart, GearConstraintPart, IndependentAxisConstraintPart, PathConstraint, PointConstraintPart, RackAndPinionConstraintPart, Ragdoll, RotationEulerConstraintPart, RotationQuatConstraintPart, SpringPart, SwingTwistConstraintPart, TwoBodyConstraint, VehicleConstraint
- IsAdded() : BodyInterface
- IsClose() : DMat44, DVec3, Mat44, Quat, Vec3, Vec4, Vector< Rows >
- IsCollisionCacheInvalid() : Body
- IsCollisionEnabled() : GroupFilterTable
- IsDegenerate() : IndexedTriangleNoMaterial, SoftBodySharedSettings::Face, TriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags::ValidationContext
- IsDirty() : QuadTree
- IsDone() : JobSystem::Job, JobSystem::JobHandle
- IsDoneWalking() : HeightFieldShape::DecodingContext, NodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat::DecodingContext
- IsDynamic() : Body
- IsEmpty() : Result< Type >, SubShapeID, TempAllocatorImpl
- IsEOF() : StateRecorderImpl, StreamIn, StreamInWrapper
- IsEqual() : StateRecorderImpl
- IsEquivalent() : IndexedTriangleNoMaterial
- IsFacing() : ConvexHullBuilder::Face, EPAConvexHullBuilder::Triangle
- IsFacingOrigin() : EPAConvexHullBuilder::Triangle
- IsFailed() : StateRecorderImpl, StreamIn, StreamInWrapper, StreamOut, StreamOutWrapper
- IsFixedAxis() : SixDOFConstraint, SixDOFConstraintSettings
- IsFreeAxis() : SixDOFConstraint, SixDOFConstraintSettings
- IsGravityOverridden() : VehicleConstraint
- IsIdentity() : Matrix< Rows, Cols >
- IsInBroadPhase() : Body
- IsInside() : Ellipse
- IsInvalid() : BodyID, CharacterID
- IsJointTranslationLocked() : SkeletonMapper
- IsKindOf() : RTTI
- IsKinematic() : Body
- IsLastPart() : StateRecorder
- IsLeanControllerEnabled() : MotorcycleController
- IsLeanSteeringLimitEnabled() : MotorcycleController
- IsLooping() : PathConstraintPath, SkeletalAnimation
- IsNaN() : DVec3, Quat, Vec3, Vec4
- IsNearZero() : DVec3, Vec3
- IsNoCollision() : HeightFieldShape
- IsNormalized() : DVec3, Quat, Vec3, Vec4, Vector< Rows >
- IsOpposite() : IndexedTriangleNoMaterial
- IsRigidBody() : Body
- IsSameBody() : CharacterVirtual::ContactKey
- IsSensor() : Body
- IsSlopeTooSteep() : CharacterBase
- IsSoftBody() : Body
- IsSphere() : CapsuleShapeSettings, TaperedCapsuleShapeSettings
- IsStatic() : Body
- IsSubShapeIDValid() : CompoundShape
- IsSupported() : CharacterBase
- IsSwitchingGear() : VehicleTransmission
- IsType() : SerializableAttribute
- IsValid() : AABox, CapsuleShapeSettings, JobSystem::JobHandle, MotorSettings, Result< Type >, TaperedCapsuleShapeSettings
- IsValidating() : StateRecorder
- IsValidScale() : CapsuleShape, CompoundShape, CompoundShape::SubShape, CylinderShape, DecoratedShape, EmptyShape, RotatedTranslatedShape, ScaledShape, Shape, SphereShape, TaperedCapsuleShape, TaperedCylinderShape, TriangleShape
- IsZero() : Matrix< Rows, Cols >, Vector< Rows >
- iterator() : HashTable< Key, KeyValue, HashTableDetail, Hash, KeyEqual >::iterator