Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAABBTreeBuilderHelper class to build an AABB tree
 CAABBTreeToBufferConversion algorithm that converts an AABB tree to an optimized binary buffer
 CAABoxAxis aligned box
 CAABoxCastStructure that holds AABox moving linearly through 3d space
 CAddConvexRadiusStructure that adds a convex radius
 CAllHitCollisionCollectorSimple implementation that collects all hits and optionally sorts them on distance
 CAllocatorHasReallocateDefault implementation of AllocatorHasReallocate which tells if an allocator has a reallocate function
 CAllocatorHasReallocate< STLAllocator< T > >The STLAllocator implements the reallocate function if the alignment of the class is smaller or equal to the default alignment for the platform
 CAllocatorHasReallocate< STLLocalAllocator< T, N > >The STLLocalAllocator always implements a reallocate function as it can often reallocate in place
 CAnyHitCollisionCollectorSimple implementation that collects any hit
 CBodyCreationSettingsSettings for constructing a rigid body
 CBodyDrawFilterClass function to filter out bodies for debug rendering, returns true if body should be rendered
 CBodyFilterClass function to filter out bodies, returns true if test should collide with body
 CBodyIDID of a body. This is a way of reasoning about bodies in a multithreaded simulation while avoiding race conditions
 CBodyLockBaseBase class for locking bodies for the duration of the scope of this class (do not use directly)
 CBodyLockInterfaceBase class interface for locking a body. Usually you will use BodyLockRead / BodyLockWrite / BodyLockMultiRead / BodyLockMultiWrite instead
 CBodyLockInterfaceLockingImplementation that uses the body manager to lock the correct mutex for a body
 CBodyLockInterfaceNoLockImplementation that performs no locking (assumes the lock has already been taken)
 CBodyLockMultiBaseBase class for locking multiple bodies for the duration of the scope of this class (do not use directly)
 CBodyLockMultiWriteSpecialization that locks multiple bodies for writing to
 CBodyLockWriteSpecialization that locks a body for writing to
 CBodyManagerClass that contains all bodies
 CBodyPairStructure that holds a body pair
 CBoxShapeA box, centered around the origin
 CBoxShapeSettingsClass that constructs a BoxShape
 CBroadPhaseUsed to do coarse collision detection operations to quickly prune out bodies that will not collide
 CBroadPhaseBruteForceTest BroadPhase implementation that does not do anything to speed up the operations. Can be used as a reference implementation
 CBroadPhaseCastResultStructure that holds a ray cast or other object cast hit
 CBroadPhaseLayerFilterFilter class for broadphase layers
 CBroadPhaseLayerInterfaceInterface that the application should implement to allow mapping object layers to broadphase layers
 CBroadPhaseQuadTreeFast SIMD based quad tree BroadPhase that is multithreading aware and tries to do a minimal amount of locking
 CBVec16A vector consisting of 16 bytes
 CByteBufferSimple byte buffer, aligned to a cache line
 CCalculateSolverStepsClass used to calculate the total number of velocity and position steps
 CCapsuleShapeA capsule, implemented as a line segment with convex radius
 CCapsuleShapeSettingsClass that constructs a CapsuleShape
 CCastConvexVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that casts a convex object vs one or more triangles
 CCastSphereVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that casts a sphere vs one or more triangles
 CCharacterBaseBase class for character class
 CCharacterBaseSettingsBase class for configuration of a character
 CCharacterContactListenerThis class receives callbacks when a virtual character hits something
 CCharacterContactSettingsThis class contains settings that allow you to override the behavior of a character's collision response
 CCharacterIDID of a character. Used primarily to identify deleted characters and to sort deterministically
 CCharacterSettingsContains the configuration of a character
 CCharacterVirtualSettingsContains the configuration of a character
 CClosestHitCollisionCollectorSimple implementation that collects the closest / deepest hit
 CClosestHitPerBodyCollisionCollectorImplementation that collects the closest / deepest hit for each body and optionally sorts them on distance
 CCollideConvexVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that collides a convex object vs one or more triangles
 CCollidePointResultStructure that holds the result of colliding a point against a shape
 CCollideSettingsBaseSettings to be passed with a collision query
 CCollideShapeResultClass that contains all information of two colliding shapes
 CCollideShapeSettingsSettings to be passed with a collision query
 CCollideSoftBodyVerticesVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that collides soft body vertices vs triangles
 CCollideSphereVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that collides a sphere vs one or more triangles
 CCollisionCollectorVirtual interface that allows collecting multiple collision results
 CCollisionCollectorTraitsCastRayTraits to use for CastRay
 CCollisionCollectorTraitsCastShapeTraits to use for CastShape
 CCollisionCollectorTraitsCollideShapeTraits to use for CollideShape
 CCollisionDispatchDispatch function, main function to handle collisions between shapes
 CCollisionEstimationResultA structure that contains the estimated contact and friction impulses and the resulting body velocities
 CColorClass that holds an RGBA color with 8-bits per component
 CCompoundShapeBase class for a compound shape
 CCompoundShapeSettingsBase class settings to construct a compound shape
 CConeConstraintSettingsCone constraint settings, used to create a cone constraint
 CConstraintBase class for all physics constraints. A constraint removes one or more degrees of freedom for a rigid body
 CConstraintManagerA constraint manager manages all constraints of the same type
 CConstraintSettingsClass used to store the configuration of a constraint. Allows run-time creation of constraints
 CContactManifoldManifold class, describes the contact surface between two bodies
 CConvexHullBuilderA convex hull builder that tries to create hulls as accurately as possible. Used for offline processing
 CConvexHullBuilder2DA convex hull builder that tries to create 2D hulls as accurately as possible. Used for offline processing
 CConvexHullShapeA convex hull
 CConvexHullShapeSettingsClass that constructs a ConvexHullShape
 CConvexShapeBase class for all convex shapes. Defines a virtual interface
 CConvexShapeSettingsClass that constructs a ConvexShape (abstract)
 CCylinderShapeA cylinder
 CCylinderShapeSettingsClass that constructs a CylinderShape
 CDebugRendererPlaybackClass that can read a recorded stream from DebugRendererRecorder and plays it back trough a DebugRenderer
 CDebugRendererRecorderImplementation of DebugRenderer that records the API invocations to be played back later
 CDecoratedShapeBase class for shapes that decorate another shape with extra functionality (e.g. scale, translation etc.)
 CDecoratedShapeSettingsClass that constructs a DecoratedShape
 CDefaultBroadPhaseLayerFilterDefault filter class that uses the pair filter in combination with a specified layer to filter layers
 CDefaultObjectLayerFilterDefault filter class that uses the pair filter in combination with a specified layer to filter layers
 CDistanceConstraintThis constraint is a stiff spring that holds 2 points at a fixed distance from each other
 CDistanceConstraintSettingsDistance constraint settings, used to create a distance constraint
 CDMat44Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats with the last column consisting of doubles
 CDouble3Class that holds 3 doubles. Used as a storage class. Convert to DVec3 for calculations
 CDummyCalculateSolverStepsDummy class to replace the steps calculator when we don't need the result
 CDynMatrixDynamic resizable matrix class
 CEmptyShapeSettingsClass that constructs an EmptyShape
 CEPAConvexHullBuilderA convex hull builder specifically made for the EPA penetration depth calculation. It trades accuracy for speed and will simply abort of the hull forms defects due to numerical precision problems
 CFactoryThis class is responsible for creating instances of classes based on their name or hash and is mainly used for deserialization of saved data
 CFixedConstraintSettingsFixed constraint settings, used to create a fixed constraint
 CFloat2Class that holds 2 floats, used as a storage class mainly
 CFloat3Class that holds 3 floats. Used as a storage class. Convert to Vec3 for calculations
 CFloat4Class that holds 4 float values. Convert to Vec4 to perform calculations
 CFPExceptionsEnableDummy implementations
 CGearConstraintSettingsGear constraint settings
 CGetTrianglesContextMultiVertexListImplementation of GetTrianglesStart/Next that uses a multiple fixed lists of vertices for the triangles. These are transformed into world space when getting the triangles
 CGetTrianglesContextVertexListImplementation of GetTrianglesStart/Next that uses a fixed list of vertices for the triangles. These are transformed into world space when getting the triangles
 CGroupFilterAbstract class that checks if two CollisionGroups collide
 CHashFallback hash function that calls T::GetHash()
 CHash< const char * >A hash function for character pointers
 CHash< double >A hash function for doubles
 CHash< float >A hash function for floats
 CHash< std::string_view >A hash function for std::string_view
 CHash< String >A hash function for String
 CHash< T * >A fallback function for generic pointers
 CHeightFieldShapeSettingsClass that constructs a HeightFieldShape
 CHingeConstraintA hinge constraint constrains 2 bodies on a single point and allows only a single axis of rotation
 CHingeConstraintSettingsHinge constraint settings, used to create a hinge constraint
 CIgnoreMultipleBodiesFilterA simple body filter implementation that ignores multiple, specified bodies
 CIgnoreSingleBodyFilterA simple body filter implementation that ignores a single, specified body
 CIgnoreSingleBodyFilterChainedIgnores a single body and chains the filter to another filter
 CIndexedTriangleTriangle with 32-bit indices and material index
 CIndexedTriangleNoMaterialTriangle with 32-bit indices
 CIObjectStreamInInterface class for reading from an object stream
 CIObjectStreamOutInterface class for writing to an object stream
 CIslandBuilderKeeps track of connected bodies and builds islands for multithreaded velocity/position update
 CJobSystemSingleThreadedImplementation of a JobSystem without threads, runs jobs as soon as they are added
 CLFHMAllocatorAllocator for a lock free hash map
 CMassPropertiesDescribes the mass and inertia properties of a body. Used during body construction only
 CMat44Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix
 CMatrixTemplatized matrix class
 CMeshShapeSettingsClass that constructs a MeshShape
 CMinkowskiDifferenceStructure that performs a Minkowski difference A - B
 CMotionPropertiesThe Body class only keeps track of state for static bodies, the MotionProperties class keeps the additional state needed for a moving Body. It has a 1-on-1 relationship with the body
 CMotorcycleControllerRuntime controller class
 CMutableCompoundShapeSettingsClass that constructs a MutableCompoundShape
 CNonCopyableClass that makes another class non-copyable. Usage: Inherit from NonCopyable
 CObjectLayerFilterFilter class for object layers
 CObjectLayerPairFilterFilter class to test if two objects can collide based on their object layer. Used while finding collision pairs
 CObjectStreamBase class for object stream input and output streams
 CObjectStreamBinaryInImplementation of ObjectStream binary input stream
 CObjectStreamBinaryOutImplementation of ObjectStream binary output stream
 CObjectStreamTextInImplementation of ObjectStream text input stream
 CObjectStreamTextOutImplementation of ObjectStream text output stream
 CObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilterClass to test if an object can collide with a broadphase layer. Used while finding collision pairs
 COffsetCenterOfMassShapeThis shape will shift the center of mass of a child shape, it can e.g. be used to lower the center of mass of an unstable object like a boat to make it stable
 COffsetCenterOfMassShapeSettingsClass that constructs an OffsetCenterOfMassShape
 COrientedBoxOriented box
 CPathConstraintPath constraint, used to constrain the degrees of freedom between two bodies to a path
 CPathConstraintPathThe path for a path constraint. It allows attaching two bodies to each other while giving the second body the freedom to move along a path relative to the first
 CPathConstraintPathHermiteA path that follows a Hermite spline
 CPhysicsMaterialSimpleSample implementation of PhysicsMaterial that just holds the needed properties directly
 CPhysicsSceneContains the creation settings of a set of bodies
 CPhysicsStepListenerA listener class that receives a callback before every physics simulation step
 CPhysicsStepListenerContextContext information for the step listener
 CPhysicsUpdateContextInformation used during the Update call
 CPlaneAn infinite plane described by the formula X . Normal + Constant = 0
 CPlaneShapeSettingsClass that constructs a PlaneShape
 CPointConstraintA point constraint constrains 2 bodies on a single point (removing 3 degrees of freedom)
 CPointConstraintSettingsPoint constraint settings, used to create a point constraint
 CPointConvexSupportClass that wraps a point so that it can be used with convex collision detection
 CPolygonConvexSupportClass that wraps a polygon so that it can used with convex collision detection
 CProfileMeasurementCreate this class on the stack to start sampling timing information of a particular scope
 CProfilerSingleton class for managing profiling information
 CProfileThreadCollects all samples of a single thread
 CPulleyConstraintA pulley constraint
 CRackAndPinionConstraintSettingsRack and pinion constraint (slider & gear) settings
 CRagdollRuntime ragdoll information
 CRagdollSettingsContains the structure of a ragdoll
 CRayCastResultSpecialization of cast result against a shape
 CRayCastSettingsSettings to be passed with a ray cast
 CRayCastTStructure that holds a single ray cast
 CRayInvDirectionHelper structure holding the reciprocal of a ray for Ray vs AABox testing
 CRefTargetVirtualPure virtual version of RefTarget
 CResultHelper class that either contains a valid result or an error
 CReversedShapeFilterHelper class to reverse the order of the shapes in the ShouldCollide function
 CRotatedTranslatedShapeSettingsClass that constructs a RotatedTranslatedShape
 CScaledShapeA shape that scales a child shape in local space of that shape. The scale can be non-uniform and can even turn it inside out when one or three components of the scale are negative
 CScaledShapeSettingsClass that constructs a ScaledShape
 CScopeExitClass that calls a function when it goes out of scope
 CSerializableAttributeAttributes are members of classes that need to be serialized
 CShapeBase class for all shapes (collision volume of a body). Defines a virtual interface for collision detection
 CShapeCastResultResult of a shape cast test
 CShapeCastSettingsSettings to be passed with a shape cast
 CShapeCastTStructure that holds a single shape cast (a shape moving along a linear path in 3d space with no rotation)
 CShapeFilterFilter class
 CShapeFunctionsFunction table for functions on shapes
 CSharedLockHelper class that is similar to std::shared_lock
 CSimShapeFilterFilter class used during the simulation (PhysicsSystem::Update) to filter out collisions at shape level
 CSixDOFConstraint6 Degree Of Freedom Constraint. Allows control over each of the 6 degrees of freedom
 CSixDOFConstraintSettings6 Degree Of Freedom Constraint setup structure. Allows control over each of the 6 degrees of freedom
 CSkeletalAnimationResource for a skinned animation
 CSkeletonResource that contains the joint hierarchy for a skeleton
 CSkeletonMapperClass that is able to map a low detail (ragdoll) skeleton to a high detail (animation) skeleton and vice versa
 CSkeletonPoseInstance of a skeleton, contains the pose the current skeleton is in
 CSliderConstraintA slider constraint allows movement in only 1 axis (and no rotation). Also known as a prismatic constraint
 CSliderConstraintSettingsSlider constraint settings, used to create a slider constraint
 CSoftBodyManifoldAn interface to query which vertices of a soft body are colliding with other bodies
 CSoftBodyMotionPropertiesThis class contains the runtime information of a soft body
 CSoftBodyShapeShape used exclusively for soft bodies. Adds the ability to perform collision checks against soft bodies
 CSoftBodyUpdateContextTemporary data used by the update of a soft body
 CSpecifiedBroadPhaseLayerFilterAllows objects from a specific broad phase layer only
 CSpecifiedObjectLayerFilterAllows objects from a specific layer only
 CSphereShapeSettingsClass that constructs a SphereShape
 CSpringPartClass used in other constraint parts to calculate the required bias factor in the lagrange multiplier for creating springs
 CSpringSettingsSettings for a linear or angular spring
 CStateRecorderFilterUser callbacks that allow determining which parts of the simulation should be saved by a StateRecorder
 CStateRecorderImplImplementation of the StateRecorder class that uses a stringstream as underlying store and that implements checking if the state doesn't change upon reading
 CStaticArraySimple variable length array backed by a fixed size buffer
 CStaticCompoundShapeSettingsClass that constructs a StaticCompoundShape. Note that if you only want a compound of 1 shape, use a RotatedTranslatedShape instead
 CSTLAlignedAllocatorSTL allocator that takes care that memory is aligned to N bytes
 CSTLAllocatorSTL allocator that forwards to our allocation functions
 CSTLLocalAllocatorSTL allocator that keeps N elements in a local buffer before falling back to regular allocations
 CSTLTempAllocatorSTL allocator that wraps around TempAllocator
 CStreamInSimple binary input stream
 CStreamInWrapperWrapper around std::istream
 CStreamOutSimple binary output stream
 CStreamOutWrapperWrapper around std::ostream
 CSubShapeIDA sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compound shape
 CSubShapeIDPairA pair of bodies and their sub shape ID's. Can be used as a key in a map to find a contact point
 CTaperedCapsuleShapeA capsule with different top and bottom radii
 CTaperedCapsuleShapeSettingsClass that constructs a TaperedCapsuleShape
 CTaperedCylinderShapeA cylinder with different top and bottom radii
 CTaperedCylinderShapeSettingsClass that constructs a TaperedCylinderShape
 CTempAllocatorImplDefault implementation of the temp allocator that allocates a large block through malloc upfront
 CTempAllocatorImplWithMallocFallbackImplementation of the TempAllocator that tries to allocate from a large preallocated block, but falls back to malloc when it is exhausted
 CTrackedVehicleControllerRuntime controller class for vehicle with tank tracks
 CTriangleA simple triangle and its material
 CTriangleConvexSupportClass that wraps a triangle so that it can used with convex collision detection
 CTriangleShapeA single triangle, not the most efficient way of creating a world filled with triangles but can be used as a query shape for example
 CTriangleShapeSettingsClass that constructs a TriangleShape
 CTriangleSplitterA class that splits a triangle list into two parts for building a tree
 CTriangleSplitterBinningBinning splitter approach taken from: Realtime Ray Tracing on GPU with BVH-based Packet Traversal by Johannes Gunther et al
 CTriangleSplitterMeanSplitter using mean of axis with biggest centroid deviation
 CTwoBodyConstraintBase class for all constraints that involve 2 bodies. Body1 is usually considered the parent, Body2 the child
 CTwoBodyConstraintSettingsBase class for settings for all constraints that involve 2 bodies
 CUniqueLockHelper class that is similar to std::unique_lock
 CUnorderedMapDetailInternal helper class to provide context for UnorderedMap
 CUnorderedSetDetailInternal helper class to provide context for UnorderedSet
 CVectorTemplatized vector class
 CVehicleCollisionTesterClass that does collision detection between wheels and ground
 CVehicleCollisionTesterCastCylinderCollision tester that tests collision using a cylinder shape
 CVehicleCollisionTesterCastSphereCollision tester that tests collision using a sphere cast
 CVehicleCollisionTesterRayCollision tester that tests collision using a raycast
 CVehicleControllerRuntime data for interface that controls acceleration / deceleration of the vehicle
 CVehicleControllerSettingsBasic settings object for interface that controls acceleration / deceleration of the vehicle
 CVehicleEngineRuntime data for engine
 CVehicleEngineSettingsGeneric properties for a vehicle engine
 CVehicleTrackRuntime data for tank tracks
 CVehicleTrackSettingsGeneric properties for tank tracks
 CVehicleTransmissionRuntime data for transmission
 CVehicleTransmissionSettingsConfiguration for the transmission of a vehicle (gear box)
 CWheelBase class for runtime data for a wheel, each VehicleController can implement a derived class of this
 CWheeledVehicleControllerRuntime controller class
 CWheelSettingsBase class for wheel settings, each VehicleController can implement a derived class of this
 CWheelSettingsTVWheelSettings object specifically for TrackedVehicleController
 CWheelSettingsWVWheelSettings object specifically for WheeledVehicleController
 CWheelTVWheel object specifically for TrackedVehicleController
 CWheelWVWheel object specifically for WheeledVehicleController