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Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
►Nstd | |
►CAABBTreeBuilder | Helper class to build an AABB tree |
CAABBTreeBuilderStats | |
CAABBTreeToBuffer | Conversion algorithm that converts an AABB tree to an optimized binary buffer |
CAABox | Axis aligned box |
CAABoxCast | Structure that holds AABox moving linearly through 3d space |
CAddConvexRadius | Structure that adds a convex radius |
CAllHitCollisionCollector | Simple implementation that collects all hits and optionally sorts them on distance |
CAllocatorHasReallocate | Default implementation of AllocatorHasReallocate which tells if an allocator has a reallocate function |
CAllocatorHasReallocate< STLAllocator< T > > | The STLAllocator implements the reallocate function if the alignment of the class is smaller or equal to the default alignment for the platform |
CAllocatorHasReallocate< STLLocalAllocator< T, N > > | The STLLocalAllocator always implements a reallocate function as it can often reallocate in place |
CAngleConstraintPart | |
CAnyHitCollisionCollector | Simple implementation that collects any hit |
►CArray | |
CAxisConstraintPart | |
CBody | |
CBodyActivationListener | |
CBodyCreationSettings | Settings for constructing a rigid body |
CBodyDrawFilter | Class function to filter out bodies for debug rendering, returns true if body should be rendered |
CBodyFilter | Class function to filter out bodies, returns true if test should collide with body |
CBodyID | ID of a body. This is a way of reasoning about bodies in a multithreaded simulation while avoiding race conditions |
CBodyInterface | |
CBodyLockBase | Base class for locking bodies for the duration of the scope of this class (do not use directly) |
CBodyLockInterface | Base class interface for locking a body. Usually you will use BodyLockRead / BodyLockWrite / BodyLockMultiRead / BodyLockMultiWrite instead |
CBodyLockInterfaceLocking | Implementation that uses the body manager to lock the correct mutex for a body |
CBodyLockInterfaceNoLock | Implementation that performs no locking (assumes the lock has already been taken) |
CBodyLockMultiBase | Base class for locking multiple bodies for the duration of the scope of this class (do not use directly) |
CBodyLockMultiRead | |
CBodyLockMultiWrite | Specialization that locks multiple bodies for writing to |
CBodyLockRead | |
CBodyLockWrite | Specialization that locks a body for writing to |
►CBodyManager | Class that contains all bodies |
CBodyPair | Structure that holds a body pair |
CBodyWithMotionProperties | |
►CBoxShape | A box, centered around the origin |
CBoxShapeSettings | Class that constructs a BoxShape |
►CBroadPhase | Used to do coarse collision detection operations to quickly prune out bodies that will not collide |
CBroadPhaseBruteForce | Test BroadPhase implementation that does not do anything to speed up the operations. Can be used as a reference implementation |
CBroadPhaseCastResult | Structure that holds a ray cast or other object cast hit |
CBroadPhaseLayer | |
CBroadPhaseLayerFilter | Filter class for broadphase layers |
CBroadPhaseLayerInterface | Interface that the application should implement to allow mapping object layers to broadphase layers |
CBroadPhaseLayerInterfaceMask | |
CBroadPhaseLayerInterfaceTable | |
CBroadPhaseQuadTree | Fast SIMD based quad tree BroadPhase that is multithreading aware and tries to do a minimal amount of locking |
CBroadPhaseQuery | |
CBVec16 | A vector consisting of 16 bytes |
CByteBuffer | Simple byte buffer, aligned to a cache line |
CCalculateSolverSteps | Class used to calculate the total number of velocity and position steps |
►CCapsuleShape | A capsule, implemented as a line segment with convex radius |
CCapsuleShapeSettings | Class that constructs a CapsuleShape |
CCastConvexVsTriangles | Collision detection helper that casts a convex object vs one or more triangles |
CCastSphereVsTriangles | Collision detection helper that casts a sphere vs one or more triangles |
CCharacter | |
CCharacterBase | Base class for character class |
CCharacterBaseSettings | Base class for configuration of a character |
CCharacterContactListener | This class receives callbacks when a virtual character hits something |
CCharacterContactSettings | This class contains settings that allow you to override the behavior of a character's collision response |
CCharacterID | ID of a character. Used primarily to identify deleted characters and to sort deterministically |
CCharacterSettings | Contains the configuration of a character |
►CCharacterVirtual | |
CCharacterVirtualSettings | Contains the configuration of a character |
CCharacterVsCharacterCollision | |
CCharacterVsCharacterCollisionSimple | |
CClosestHitCollisionCollector | Simple implementation that collects the closest / deepest hit |
CClosestHitPerBodyCollisionCollector | Implementation that collects the closest / deepest hit for each body and optionally sorts them on distance |
CCollideConvexVsTriangles | Collision detection helper that collides a convex object vs one or more triangles |
CCollidePointResult | Structure that holds the result of colliding a point against a shape |
CCollideSettingsBase | Settings to be passed with a collision query |
CCollideShapeResult | Class that contains all information of two colliding shapes |
CCollideShapeSettings | Settings to be passed with a collision query |
CCollideSoftBodyVertexIterator | |
CCollideSoftBodyVerticesVsTriangles | Collision detection helper that collides soft body vertices vs triangles |
CCollideSphereVsTriangles | Collision detection helper that collides a sphere vs one or more triangles |
CCollisionCollector | Virtual interface that allows collecting multiple collision results |
CCollisionCollectorTraitsCastRay | Traits to use for CastRay |
CCollisionCollectorTraitsCastShape | Traits to use for CastShape |
CCollisionCollectorTraitsCollideShape | Traits to use for CollideShape |
CCollisionDispatch | Dispatch function, main function to handle collisions between shapes |
►CCollisionEstimationResult | A structure that contains the estimated contact and friction impulses and the resulting body velocities |
CCollisionGroup | |
CColor | Class that holds an RGBA color with 8-bits per component |
►CCompoundShape | Base class for a compound shape |
►CCompoundShapeSettings | Base class settings to construct a compound shape |
CConeConstraint | |
CConeConstraintSettings | Cone constraint settings, used to create a cone constraint |
CConstraint | Base class for all physics constraints. A constraint removes one or more degrees of freedom for a rigid body |
CConstraintManager | A constraint manager manages all constraints of the same type |
CConstraintSettings | Class used to store the configuration of a constraint. Allows run-time creation of constraints |
►CContactConstraintManager | |
CContactListener | |
CContactManifold | Manifold class, describes the contact surface between two bodies |
CContactSettings | |
►CConvexHullBuilder | A convex hull builder that tries to create hulls as accurately as possible. Used for offline processing |
CConvexHullBuilder2D | A convex hull builder that tries to create 2D hulls as accurately as possible. Used for offline processing |
►CConvexHullShape | A convex hull |
CConvexHullShapeSettings | Class that constructs a ConvexHullShape |
►CConvexShape | Base class for all convex shapes. Defines a virtual interface |
CConvexShapeSettings | Class that constructs a ConvexShape (abstract) |
►CCylinderShape | A cylinder |
CCylinderShapeSettings | Class that constructs a CylinderShape |
►CDebugRenderer | |
CDebugRendererPlayback | Class that can read a recorded stream from DebugRendererRecorder and plays it back trough a DebugRenderer |
►CDebugRendererRecorder | Implementation of DebugRenderer that records the API invocations to be played back later |
CDebugRendererSimple | |
CDecoratedShape | Base class for shapes that decorate another shape with extra functionality (e.g. scale, translation etc.) |
CDecoratedShapeSettings | Class that constructs a DecoratedShape |
CDefaultBroadPhaseLayerFilter | Default filter class that uses the pair filter in combination with a specified layer to filter layers |
CDefaultObjectLayerFilter | Default filter class that uses the pair filter in combination with a specified layer to filter layers |
CDistanceConstraint | This constraint is a stiff spring that holds 2 points at a fixed distance from each other |
CDistanceConstraintSettings | Distance constraint settings, used to create a distance constraint |
CDMat44 | Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats with the last column consisting of doubles |
CDouble3 | Class that holds 3 doubles. Used as a storage class. Convert to DVec3 for calculations |
CDualAxisConstraintPart | |
CDummyCalculateSolverSteps | Dummy class to replace the steps calculator when we don't need the result |
CDVec3 | |
CDynMatrix | Dynamic resizable matrix class |
CEllipse | |
CEmptyShape | |
CEmptyShapeSettings | Class that constructs an EmptyShape |
►CEPAConvexHullBuilder | A convex hull builder specifically made for the EPA penetration depth calculation. It trades accuracy for speed and will simply abort of the hull forms defects due to numerical precision problems |
CEPAPenetrationDepth | |
CFactory | This class is responsible for creating instances of classes based on their name or hash and is mainly used for deserialization of saved data |
CFixedConstraint | |
CFixedConstraintSettings | Fixed constraint settings, used to create a fixed constraint |
►CFixedSizeFreeList | |
CFloat2 | Class that holds 2 floats, used as a storage class mainly |
CFloat3 | Class that holds 3 floats. Used as a storage class. Convert to Vec3 for calculations |
CFloat4 | Class that holds 4 float values. Convert to Vec4 to perform calculations |
CFPExceptionDisableDivByZero | |
CFPExceptionDisableInvalid | |
CFPExceptionDisableOverflow | |
CFPExceptionsEnable | Dummy implementations |
CGearConstraint | |
CGearConstraintPart | |
CGearConstraintSettings | Gear constraint settings |
CGetTrianglesContextMultiVertexList | Implementation of GetTrianglesStart/Next that uses a multiple fixed lists of vertices for the triangles. These are transformed into world space when getting the triangles |
CGetTrianglesContextVertexList | Implementation of GetTrianglesStart/Next that uses a fixed list of vertices for the triangles. These are transformed into world space when getting the triangles |
CGJKClosestPoint | |
CGroupFilter | Abstract class that checks if two CollisionGroups collide |
CGroupFilterTable | |
CHash | Fallback hash function that calls T::GetHash() |
CHash< const char * > | A hash function for character pointers |
CHash< double > | A hash function for doubles |
CHash< float > | A hash function for floats |
CHash< std::string_view > | A hash function for std::string_view |
CHash< String > | A hash function for String |
CHash< T * > | A fallback function for generic pointers |
►CHashTable | |
►CHeightFieldShape | |
CHeightFieldShapeSettings | Class that constructs a HeightFieldShape |
CHingeConstraint | A hinge constraint constrains 2 bodies on a single point and allows only a single axis of rotation |
CHingeConstraintSettings | Hinge constraint settings, used to create a hinge constraint |
CHingeRotationConstraintPart | |
CIgnoreMultipleBodiesFilter | A simple body filter implementation that ignores multiple, specified bodies |
CIgnoreSingleBodyFilter | A simple body filter implementation that ignores a single, specified body |
CIgnoreSingleBodyFilterChained | Ignores a single body and chains the filter to another filter |
CIndependentAxisConstraintPart | |
CIndexedTriangle | Triangle with 32-bit indices and material index |
CIndexedTriangleNoMaterial | Triangle with 32-bit indices |
CInternalEdgeRemovingCollector | |
CIObjectStreamIn | Interface class for reading from an object stream |
CIObjectStreamOut | Interface class for writing to an object stream |
CIslandBuilder | Keeps track of connected bodies and builds islands for multithreaded velocity/position update |
►CJobSystem | |
►CJobSystemSingleThreaded | Implementation of a JobSystem without threads, runs jobs as soon as they are added |
CJobSystemThreadPool | |
CJobSystemWithBarrier | |
►CLargeIslandSplitter | |
CLFHMAllocator | Allocator for a lock free hash map |
CLFHMAllocatorContext | |
►CLinearCurve | |
►CLockFreeHashMap | |
CMassProperties | Describes the mass and inertia properties of a body. Used during body construction only |
CMat44 | Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix |
CMatrix | Templatized matrix class |
►CMeshShape | |
CMeshShapeSettings | Class that constructs a MeshShape |
CMinkowskiDifference | Structure that performs a Minkowski difference A - B |
CMortonCode | |
CMotionProperties | The Body class only keeps track of state for static bodies, the MotionProperties class keeps the additional state needed for a moving Body. It has a 1-on-1 relationship with the body |
CMotorcycleController | Runtime controller class |
CMotorcycleControllerSettings | |
CMotorSettings | |
CMutableCompoundShape | |
CMutableCompoundShapeSettings | Class that constructs a MutableCompoundShape |
CMutex | |
CMutexArray | |
CNarrowPhaseQuery | |
►CNodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat | |
CNonCopyable | Class that makes another class non-copyable. Usage: Inherit from NonCopyable |
CObjectLayerFilter | Filter class for object layers |
CObjectLayerPairFilter | Filter class to test if two objects can collide based on their object layer. Used while finding collision pairs |
CObjectLayerPairFilterMask | |
CObjectLayerPairFilterTable | |
CObjectStream | Base class for object stream input and output streams |
CObjectStreamBinaryIn | Implementation of ObjectStream binary input stream |
CObjectStreamBinaryOut | Implementation of ObjectStream binary output stream |
CObjectStreamIn | |
CObjectStreamOut | |
CObjectStreamTextIn | Implementation of ObjectStream text input stream |
CObjectStreamTextOut | Implementation of ObjectStream text output stream |
CObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter | Class to test if an object can collide with a broadphase layer. Used while finding collision pairs |
CObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilterMask | |
CObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilterTable | |
COffsetCenterOfMassShape | This shape will shift the center of mass of a child shape, it can e.g. be used to lower the center of mass of an unstable object like a boat to make it stable |
COffsetCenterOfMassShapeSettings | Class that constructs an OffsetCenterOfMassShape |
COrientedBox | Oriented box |
CPathConstraint | Path constraint, used to constrain the degrees of freedom between two bodies to a path |
CPathConstraintPath | The path for a path constraint. It allows attaching two bodies to each other while giving the second body the freedom to move along a path relative to the first |
►CPathConstraintPathHermite | A path that follows a Hermite spline |
CPathConstraintSettings | |
CPhysicsLock | |
CPhysicsMaterial | |
CPhysicsMaterialSimple | Sample implementation of PhysicsMaterial that just holds the needed properties directly |
►CPhysicsScene | Contains the creation settings of a set of bodies |
CPhysicsSettings | |
CPhysicsStepListener | A listener class that receives a callback before every physics simulation step |
CPhysicsStepListenerContext | Context information for the step listener |
►CPhysicsSystem | |
►CPhysicsUpdateContext | Information used during the Update call |
CPlane | An infinite plane described by the formula X . Normal + Constant = 0 |
►CPlaneShape | |
CPlaneShapeSettings | Class that constructs a PlaneShape |
CPointConstraint | A point constraint constrains 2 bodies on a single point (removing 3 degrees of freedom) |
CPointConstraintPart | |
CPointConstraintSettings | Point constraint settings, used to create a point constraint |
CPointConvexSupport | Class that wraps a point so that it can be used with convex collision detection |
CPolygonConvexSupport | Class that wraps a polygon so that it can used with convex collision detection |
►CPolyhedronSubmergedVolumeCalculator | |
CProfileMeasurement | Create this class on the stack to start sampling timing information of a particular scope |
CProfiler | Singleton class for managing profiling information |
CProfileSample | |
CProfileThread | Collects all samples of a single thread |
CPulleyConstraint | A pulley constraint |
CPulleyConstraintSettings | |
►CQuadTree | |
CQuat | |
CRackAndPinionConstraint | |
CRackAndPinionConstraintPart | |
CRackAndPinionConstraintSettings | Rack and pinion constraint (slider & gear) settings |
CRagdoll | Runtime ragdoll information |
►CRagdollSettings | Contains the structure of a ragdoll |
CRayCast | |
CRayCastResult | Specialization of cast result against a shape |
CRayCastSettings | Settings to be passed with a ray cast |
CRayCastT | Structure that holds a single ray cast |
CRayInvDirection | Helper structure holding the reciprocal of a ray for Ray vs AABox testing |
CRef | |
CRefConst | |
CRefTarget | |
CRefTargetVirtual | Pure virtual version of RefTarget |
CResult | Helper class that either contains a valid result or an error |
CReversedShapeFilter | Helper class to reverse the order of the shapes in the ShouldCollide function |
CRotatedTranslatedShape | |
CRotatedTranslatedShapeSettings | Class that constructs a RotatedTranslatedShape |
CRotationEulerConstraintPart | |
CRotationQuatConstraintPart | |
CRRayCast | |
CRShapeCast | |
►CRTTI | |
CScaledShape | A shape that scales a child shape in local space of that shape. The scale can be non-uniform and can even turn it inside out when one or three components of the scale are negative |
CScaledShapeSettings | Class that constructs a ScaledShape |
CScopeExit | Class that calls a function when it goes out of scope |
CSemaphore | |
CSerializableAttribute | Attributes are members of classes that need to be serialized |
CSerializableObject | |
►CShape | Base class for all shapes (collision volume of a body). Defines a virtual interface for collision detection |
CShapeCast | |
CShapeCastResult | Result of a shape cast test |
CShapeCastSettings | Settings to be passed with a shape cast |
CShapeCastT | Structure that holds a single shape cast (a shape moving along a linear path in 3d space with no rotation) |
CShapeFilter | Filter class |
CShapeFunctions | Function table for functions on shapes |
CShapeSettings | |
CSharedLock | Helper class that is similar to std::shared_lock |
CSharedMutex | |
CSimShapeFilter | Filter class used during the simulation (PhysicsSystem::Update) to filter out collisions at shape level |
CSimShapeFilterWrapper | |
CSimShapeFilterWrapperUnion | |
CSixDOFConstraint | 6 Degree Of Freedom Constraint. Allows control over each of the 6 degrees of freedom |
CSixDOFConstraintSettings | 6 Degree Of Freedom Constraint setup structure. Allows control over each of the 6 degrees of freedom |
►CSkeletalAnimation | Resource for a skinned animation |
►CSkeleton | Resource that contains the joint hierarchy for a skeleton |
►CSkeletonMapper | Class that is able to map a low detail (ragdoll) skeleton to a high detail (animation) skeleton and vice versa |
►CSkeletonPose | Instance of a skeleton, contains the pose the current skeleton is in |
CSliderConstraint | A slider constraint allows movement in only 1 axis (and no rotation). Also known as a prismatic constraint |
CSliderConstraintSettings | Slider constraint settings, used to create a slider constraint |
CSoftBodyContactListener | |
CSoftBodyContactSettings | |
CSoftBodyCreationSettings | |
CSoftBodyManifold | An interface to query which vertices of a soft body are colliding with other bodies |
CSoftBodyMotionProperties | This class contains the runtime information of a soft body |
►CSoftBodyShape | Shape used exclusively for soft bodies. Adds the ability to perform collision checks against soft bodies |
►CSoftBodySharedSettings | |
CSoftBodyUpdateContext | Temporary data used by the update of a soft body |
CSoftBodyVertex | |
CSoftBodyWithMotionPropertiesAndShape | |
CSpecifiedBroadPhaseLayerFilter | Allows objects from a specific broad phase layer only |
CSpecifiedObjectLayerFilter | Allows objects from a specific layer only |
CSphere | |
►CSphereShape | |
CSphereShapeSettings | Class that constructs a SphereShape |
CSpringPart | Class used in other constraint parts to calculate the required bias factor in the lagrange multiplier for creating springs |
CSpringSettings | Settings for a linear or angular spring |
CStateRecorder | |
CStateRecorderFilter | User callbacks that allow determining which parts of the simulation should be saved by a StateRecorder |
CStateRecorderImpl | Implementation of the StateRecorder class that uses a stringstream as underlying store and that implements checking if the state doesn't change upon reading |
►CStaticArray | Simple variable length array backed by a fixed size buffer |
CStaticCompoundShape | |
CStaticCompoundShapeSettings | Class that constructs a StaticCompoundShape. Note that if you only want a compound of 1 shape, use a RotatedTranslatedShape instead |
►CSTLAlignedAllocator | STL allocator that takes care that memory is aligned to N bytes |
►CSTLAllocator | STL allocator that forwards to our allocation functions |
►CSTLLocalAllocator | STL allocator that keeps N elements in a local buffer before falling back to regular allocations |
►CSTLTempAllocator | STL allocator that wraps around TempAllocator |
CStreamIn | Simple binary input stream |
CStreamInWrapper | Wrapper around std::istream |
CStreamOut | Simple binary output stream |
CStreamOutWrapper | Wrapper around std::ostream |
CStridedPtr | |
CSubShapeID | A sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compound shape |
CSubShapeIDCreator | |
CSubShapeIDPair | A pair of bodies and their sub shape ID's. Can be used as a key in a map to find a contact point |
CSwingTwistConstraint | |
CSwingTwistConstraintPart | |
CSwingTwistConstraintSettings | |
►CTaperedCapsuleShape | A capsule with different top and bottom radii |
CTaperedCapsuleShapeSettings | Class that constructs a TaperedCapsuleShape |
►CTaperedCylinderShape | A cylinder with different top and bottom radii |
CTaperedCylinderShapeSettings | Class that constructs a TaperedCylinderShape |
CTempAllocator | |
CTempAllocatorImpl | Default implementation of the temp allocator that allocates a large block through malloc upfront |
CTempAllocatorImplWithMallocFallback | Implementation of the TempAllocator that tries to allocate from a large preallocated block, but falls back to malloc when it is exhausted |
CTempAllocatorMalloc | |
CTrackedVehicleController | Runtime controller class for vehicle with tank tracks |
CTrackedVehicleControllerSettings | |
CTransformedConvexObject | |
CTransformedShape | |
CTriangle | A simple triangle and its material |
►CTriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags | |
CTriangleConvexSupport | Class that wraps a triangle so that it can used with convex collision detection |
►CTriangleShape | A single triangle, not the most efficient way of creating a world filled with triangles but can be used as a query shape for example |
CTriangleShapeSettings | Class that constructs a TriangleShape |
►CTriangleSplitter | A class that splits a triangle list into two parts for building a tree |
CTriangleSplitterBinning | Binning splitter approach taken from: Realtime Ray Tracing on GPU with BVH-based Packet Traversal by Johannes Gunther et al |
CTriangleSplitterMean | Splitter using mean of axis with biggest centroid deviation |
CTwoBodyConstraint | Base class for all constraints that involve 2 bodies. Body1 is usually considered the parent, Body2 the child |
CTwoBodyConstraintSettings | Base class for settings for all constraints that involve 2 bodies |
CUniqueLock | Helper class that is similar to std::unique_lock |
CUnorderedMap | |
CUnorderedMapDetail | Internal helper class to provide context for UnorderedMap |
CUnorderedSet | |
CUnorderedSetDetail | Internal helper class to provide context for UnorderedSet |
CUVec4 | |
CVec3 | |
CVec4 | |
CVector | Templatized vector class |
CVehicleAntiRollBar | |
CVehicleCollisionTester | Class that does collision detection between wheels and ground |
CVehicleCollisionTesterCastCylinder | Collision tester that tests collision using a cylinder shape |
CVehicleCollisionTesterCastSphere | Collision tester that tests collision using a sphere cast |
CVehicleCollisionTesterRay | Collision tester that tests collision using a raycast |
CVehicleConstraint | |
CVehicleConstraintSettings | |
CVehicleController | Runtime data for interface that controls acceleration / deceleration of the vehicle |
CVehicleControllerSettings | Basic settings object for interface that controls acceleration / deceleration of the vehicle |
CVehicleDifferentialSettings | |
CVehicleEngine | Runtime data for engine |
CVehicleEngineSettings | Generic properties for a vehicle engine |
CVehicleTrack | Runtime data for tank tracks |
CVehicleTrackSettings | Generic properties for tank tracks |
CVehicleTransmission | Runtime data for transmission |
CVehicleTransmissionSettings | Configuration for the transmission of a vehicle (gear box) |
CWheel | Base class for runtime data for a wheel, each VehicleController can implement a derived class of this |
CWheeledVehicleController | Runtime controller class |
CWheeledVehicleControllerSettings | |
CWheelSettings | Base class for wheel settings, each VehicleController can implement a derived class of this |
CWheelSettingsTV | WheelSettings object specifically for TrackedVehicleController |
CWheelSettingsWV | WheelSettings object specifically for WheeledVehicleController |
CWheelTV | Wheel object specifically for TrackedVehicleController |
CWheelWV | Wheel object specifically for WheeledVehicleController |